
This casting had never crossed my mind. Now I think any other casting is ruined for me. Thanks...

I skipped last season of all the shows and started back up this season. Feels like I missed nothing. 

I am rarely able to watch the videos so appreciate the description.

What's the beauty pageant beer hand movie? To your description intrigues me.

Did The Department of Redundancy Department write the headline?

The passage you quote says nothing about the immortal person. That's why I asked if I missed something about Jon Kent. I have seen nothing about him aging. Not arguing, genuinely curious.

Did you read the blurb? It says “her” in regards to who is becoming immortal. Have I missed something about Jon Kent?

The Aquarian.

I did not know I wanted a Ryan Hanson Booster Gold until now. It is now my everything.

Or have Booster Gold come back in time trying to figure out why the universe turned all gray and gloomy. He could find Ted Kord and they could try to cheer everyone the hell up.

Those are the phones of reporters recording her talking.

Does he really say there that Trump is humble???

You should perhaps watch Riverdale. Kevin may not be the sexy bad-ass you are looking for but his boyfriend in season 1 sure fit the bill.

Yeah, I’m 49 and he definitely looks older than I do.

There’s a good question: why is People of Earth never mentioned here? Seems like it would fit right in.

Every single dealer I have ever had has requested me to bet for them instead of outright giving them the money. Seriously, every single one. And I always ask.

Gabe Kaplan is in the Marvel Universe? I thought he was in the DC Universe.

Yeah, I caught that after I hit publish. Correction made.

Ewan McGregor in Fargo is pretty dang good.

I tear up even thinking about that episode. Crap, doing it now. Thanks...