How fucking stupid are you? BECAUSE HIS HELMET IS OFF. YOU COULD FUCKING KILL HIM. If a kid is playing with a loaded gun, does that give you the right to walk up and shoot him?
How fucking stupid are you? BECAUSE HIS HELMET IS OFF. YOU COULD FUCKING KILL HIM. If a kid is playing with a loaded gun, does that give you the right to walk up and shoot him?
H&T: Re-reading your comments, I realized I was projecting certain aspects of what you were saying, reading parts into them that weren’t quite there. So just ignore my comments or take them with a big grain of salt. It’s what I would say to someone who actually endorses those things, which you probably don’t.
I 100% agree. I keep watching because it’s a fun sport and I have no life. But a) there is no excuse for adults allowing minors to do this to each other (attack each other with extremely harmful weapons, ie high school football) and b) I can see how consenting adults could be allowed to do this to each other but…
Not true. Have you used them before?
Yes and the Dog Debate Channel!
Or how bout this? LOST Wages (at least in my case, lol!!)
What you’re doing is call ‘whataboutism.’ The discussion is about this play. What you’re talking about has nothing to do with it.
Yeah I don’t think Miazga should be stoking the flames.
He’s done it before. It’s just one of his calls. Sometimes it’s similar but the cadence faster like a siren or alarm. “Goool Goool Goool Goool Goool Goool Goool Goool”.
Did you make a similar comment last fall when you found out how many women were fucked over by sexual predators?
A lot of men deserve it.
I like Norm too but a lot of shitty people with frog avatars will jump all over you in the youtube comments if you criticize a single word he says.
Something I haven’t seen mentioned much around here is that the first thing they teach sports officials is “you are NOT the show.” The reason this was a bad job by the chair is that he turned the spotlight on himself when he could’ve given the match (and Serena) some breathing room by using a softer touch. Another…
I agree with that. I hope Serena apologizes to Naomi. Naomi absolutely deserves better and I hope Serena will recognize her part in keeping that from happening.
Nobody’s acting like Serena would’ve won ‘if only’. The most anybody is saying is that her sliver of a comeback chance was made smaller by that debacle.
I think you mean 11, right?
Yeah Osaka blew me away. The penalty by all means did not hand her the match. It was kind of like a baseball team being denied the opportunity to hit in the 8th inning, against a very strong setup man. (To use a baseball analogy.)
Yeah...this sums up a lot of what’s wrong with internet commenting. I hadn’t thought of this before but surely you can see it time and again. Which causes people who prefer a bit of nuance to dig their heels in just to get heard.
I don’t think of it as an asterisk. An asterisk would be maybe if Serena had to withdraw with an injury or if Serena won but had her title revoked. Maybe a stain or a cloud. I think emotionally the turmoil and its effect on her memory and the damper on the joy she should have would be the worst.
Yeah anything could obviously happen but Osaka appears to have the tools, and mindset, to get at least a couple more. Psyched to see what she’ll do.