This one is pretty mild, I have no problem with what Harden did, nor the call on this play, but generally this is a valid criticism of Harden. It’s annoying as fuck. If this play was the worst of it, I would have zero problem with Harden.
This one is pretty mild, I have no problem with what Harden did, nor the call on this play, but generally this is a valid criticism of Harden. It’s annoying as fuck. If this play was the worst of it, I would have zero problem with Harden.
Oh, wait, you can’t tell if that one little thing is smug, since every last thing about you is smug.
I learned that ‘irregardless’ was thought to be incorrect sometime around 5th grade. But I started saying it anyway, sometime around my senior year in high school, I think because I had a physics teacher that year that I liked and he would say it. I generally still say ‘irregardless’ in non-professional situations…
Sooo...I probably use these rules properly 95% of the time without thinking about them, when I’m paying attention. But there are a few in the chart that are fairly uncommon, and it’s a long list. So I think it’s kind of silly to assume this would not be useful, in a pinch, to many well-educated people. (Especially if…
Yeah, watching the train video and right up until he spoke on the newscast, he seemed to be the biggest jamoke in Mookville.
I don’t think winning the Tuesday after the conference championships can really be considered dominating. If this isn’t traditionally the slowest football news day of the two weeks between the conference championships and the Super Bowl, it’s gotta be in the top 3. But I’d love it I get more basketball than football…
One story doesn’t outweigh the thousands of people of color they are targeting, and more importantly, the thousands of emboldened racist fools such as yourself. Stick to licking your friends’ balls on stormfront.
You’re a classic troll. No more time for your stupidity.
Yet. you. REFUSE. to. LEARN. about. it.
We are building the wall and throwing out the fuxing interlopers who clog up our schools, freeways, courts and emergency rooms.
This is your problem right here. You have 1-to-1 equated Muslims with bigotry and misogyny. With over a billion practitioners, Islam is INFINITELY more layered and complex than that. Yet you refuse to learn about it.
My sister is a deep-seated feminist who went to Bryn Mawr. And she has converted to Islam. The…
I think there are different levels though and we need a broader vocabulary to discuss these things. It’s the indifferent, resistant whites that we most need to sway, in the end.
Definitely centuries.
I have done both—crappy cheap clothes that wear out really fast. But I will never forget spending $500 on a digital camera about a year before really nice digital cameras fell to about $150. I thought it was a good investment that I deserved. It’s possible to think you are spending money wisely on good quality and be…
I would just add that on top of him being pressuring and creepy, he was totally oblivious (or at least pretending to be totally oblivious) as to how his fame, power, money, made it tougher for her to navigate the situation (and she’s had ten fewer years navigating situations, which to me is the only way age comes into…
That was a well-earned, well-timed, and satisfying ‘shut the fuck up.’ Kudos to Kyrgios.
14mph is actually pretty fast on a bike. When I’m going long-ish distances my general rule of thumb is about 10mph (which includes shorts breaks, etc.)
for the love of god someone find lebron’s hoodie’s sleeves won’t someone think of the children
I’m never gonna dance again.