
Holy shit, this exact video is the actual worst I seen the chia pet on his head look.

You’re like a little dog that keeps eating shit. People try to tell you to stop but you gobble up that shit up anyway, every chance you get, and bark at people in these comment sections with your shit eating grin. Fuck off you little bitch.

His face is part of it though. He goes for this dumb ‘tough guy with acumen’ look, when he is none of the above. I generally try to not to look at him or read about him but I make an exception every week or two. I know everything he does is awful, hateful, and incompetent. I will continue to seek and take avenues to

The point is not that they did something racist. The point is that they fucked up the following of an anti-racism rule, because they are an organization of fuckups.

To be fair, he also looks like a penis. (With some kind of scabbing disease.)

Mark Davis has no civil rights bonafides of any kind.

Bill fucking Callahan should be who they hired. He would fit in perfectly with Mark fucking Davis.

I’m ALSO pretty fucking annoyed that you just defended the Raiders and Mark fucking Davis. I don’t think they are racist at all, just a bunch of jackasses, who fucked this up, just like they are going to fuck everything up, in perpetuity.

No. You are wrong. It’s so you can start wasting your day immediately, right after you wake up.

I do kind of vaguely remember that.

I had to check this out on YouTube, but yeah I can see what you’re talking about. And he pretty much looked exactly like a 50 year old fat guy at the Y. Guys like him don’t get into the NBA anymore.

I have ALWAYS said kerfuffle, but I think kerfluffle sounds pretty damn cool too.

Nope just have better things to do meaty boy.

Ha! Never heard that one before. You’re the poor guy who can’t feel good if he goes even one meal without his little meat treats.

Uhh, do you even know what ethics are? There are ways to reciprocate other than food. And you are calling them unbearable so you really haven’t done much real accommodating have you? You do realize they are trying to accommodate animals that they don’t even know. The people you are supposedly accommodating are

This. Why the fuck do people ghost other people?? If you are capable of ghosting someone (who hasn’t threatened or abused you or done something awful) you are honestly not a mature adult who is fit to date. Don’t fucking date if you are going to ghost someone for no reason.

As much as I would have liked to be persuaded, nothing you’ve said has provided anything to move me from my initial knee jerk reaction, which is that Kyrie responded the way he did, not for any basketball reason, but because he’s a petulant asshole.

I first read this as if you were talking about the Hoyas. It applies pretty well to both them and the Knicks! At any rate, both teams are playing at a level right now where the outcome of just about every game is an enticing mystery.

“I didn’t want to let some bad stuff happen.”

They don’t.