
Are you a cop or just stupid?

That is a short, dumb story.

Yeah in this case, there was no risk until someone going the same way decided it was his place to punish him for it. The double yellow is important but it’s there to 1) warn people that you can’t see far enough to pass safely and 2) help determine who was a fault if a pass goes awry. THAT’S IT. It’s not there allow

Agreed. The law is there to guide us when something terrible happens. The double yellow is ONLY relevant in this situation if someone comes down the road from the other direction. That did not happen.

Ah, but they are getting media, and in turn, your, attention! Therefore it will be IMPOSSIBLE to convince Smack that they are idiots.

He really, REALLY doesn’t know how to be discreet about ways to easily bait him into a Finals-shifting T.

I like the Rockets, and I even like Harden, but his gambits to get to the foul line and other attempts to bait the refs are annoying as shit.

They didn’t really show a good angle on the Barnes check, but I honestly thought that was a pretty clear flop too.

Even Harden would have to admit that if he wants his wrist to heal in time for the playoffs, pinching Green with that hand was a pretty stupid thing to do.

McCloughan might drink alcohol but Snyder drinks shit soup slurpees!!!

Who cares if it was 15 years ago? People are saying it’s okay TODAY. It’s not okay—it’s ridiculously sexist. It’s not unlike saying you won’t dine alone with black people because you won’t be able to resist using the n-word.

If his sinfulness is so powerful that it would overwhelm his common sense, societal norms, and his love for his wife, who is to say it won’t also overwhelm his heterosexuality? Why should it be okay to be alone with a man?

Meantime, he is treating women as if they have no say in the matter and excluding them unfairly

If religious people think there is anything wrong with a platonic meal between a man and a woman, then yes, they are very very different from me. You don’t seem to have actually tried very hard to think about what this article is saying though. Your loss.

Fuck vegetables is definitely the worst nutrition advice I’ve ever seen. In fact figuring out how to enjoy vegetables (if that’s actually a hurdle for someone, and it’s only a hurdle for someone whose diet has been completely warped by what’s on offer) is probably the biggest step anyone can take towards health. They

I am far from an expert but in ‘Sugar: the Bitter Truth’ Dr. Lustig mentioned that you can very quickly (ie within a week) see progress towards curing diabetes type II by eliminating fructose and sucrose. Just wanted to point that out because for many people that would be less drastic/an easier option/probably less

Yeah, my very first reaction to the headline of this was “um, what would a DOCTOR have to say about this advice?” And then the article proceeded to make it all sound pretty normal, without even mentioning the eating disorder issue. And I thought it sounded great and I should try it! But my sister has struggled with

I think the Bucks could give the Cavs some problems. I also think the Celtics or the Wizards, should either make the finals, could cause some problems for whoever comes out of the west.

And the way the Heat and Bucks have been this year, Cavs could have some trouble against either the 7 or 8 seed that could cause repercussions later in the playoffs.

You can also hate the length if you think it cost your favorite team the championship last year!

You could cut the 8th seed, which is almost always trash, and there could be a 3-day single elimination wildcard tournament with the 4, 5, 6, and 7 seed competing to play the 1 seed in a seven game series.

Even if you think it is perfect for you, you have to admit there is A LOT of fat to trim in the NBA playoffs.