This is song is for that ridiculous dude on the Magic he torched along the way:
This is song is for that ridiculous dude on the Magic he torched along the way:
Yes, even if you don’t have firing authority.
Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf has said that the stadium tax has resulted in an eight-figure deficit that the city could use on vital services.
Panama had the best defense in the hex going into this match, only giving up 1 goal in 3 matches. Plus a road game, rain, natural let down after a 6 goal win, injuries, etc
The biggest problem was giving up that weak goal so quickly after they scored. If they had some time with the 1-0 lead, Panama may have needed to…
this would be a funny insult if being gay wasn’t a million steps up for francesa
based on the other ones sucking more
i have nothing against s&v, but i am over them. and plus if you are gonna eat them, they should be lay’s style thin, not kettle style thick.
this is incorrect. if you find yourself with too many though, you should ship them to me.
I ate them and they just tasted like really good bbq chips to me. Maybe if I had them side by side.
i would do that so frequently
they are so good
Jalapeno is number 1 but Dill is number better than 1!
They just do it so that if you are bored and wandered somewhere else in the house you can hear it and come watch the replay. I think it’s considerate of them.
The Panama one isn’t so bad—they have the best defense in the hex so far. I will call into question his choices for central defense. I don’t see how you give both gonzalez and ream the nod when you have besler available.
Fucking Ream.
Jabs aside, that was some impressive strength shown by pulisic! Each of those guys have to outweigh him by at least 30 pounds a piece, and he tossed them aside like large bags of kitty litter.
Yeah they literally can’t whine for a second about Bogut’s injury, given that his injury last June is what gave them their only championship.
Yeah but that still gives LeBron the benefit of the doubt compared to every other player in the Eastern Conference.
That is a good set of factoids, but gotta put an informal asterisk next to their wins over the Ws this year, since the first was in game 1 and the second was DNP-gate.
ok i was like trying to figure out where to even begin with that.
(might you have flipped the ‘with ease’ and ‘with relative ease’ that would make sense in a way, since they managed to get a surprising three game win streak in there.)