
And he was seriously fucking PISSED about the mistake but did not let that get in the way for a single second.

The longer they were taking the spotlight from the winners, who had already had it taken from them, the more cringe-worthy it got. They could’ve explained themselves later to the press. Get the fuck outta there and let the moonlight crew enjoy what’s left of their moment.

I think it’s funny specifically because it is so simpleminded and hamfisted—and on top of that there’s a certain innocence to it.

no he’s king shit of TURTLE island (easy mistake to make)

I see you’ve been vacuuming up fake news faster than a dyson!

Well, in fairness, Beatty was dealt a bad hand, but he made it worse. He saw the mistake and was afraid to point it out, and then compounded it by metaphorically handing Dunaway a live grenade without telling her.

He learned of the mistake, put how pissed he was about the mistake aside, and did what needed to be done.

Or there was a second best actress card that got printed and ended up with them instead. Emma Stone repeatedly said she was holding her own winning card during the entire debacle.

For some reason, I can’t help but see Damon as the lead shit of this turd island.

I was looking at the tears in Denzel’s and figuring it was not some sort of emotion about Affleck, and was wondering if he felt particularly hurt about this snub, but didn’t know why. But reading your first sentence, it sounds like a good explanation of his tearing up. If he was especially invested in and proud of

well he handled it well, but you could still tell he was PISSED about what happened

Yeah I just thinking from that deep, why doesn’t the keeper just start in the middle? If he could get that close (starting late since he was screened) and still get within a foot of the ball, then he can cover probably 98% of the goal from that range. Why leave it to the wall?

Eh. It was certainly not airtight accurate, but nothing wrong with acknowledging that that’s one reason that art is important.

For some reason I figured Shaq wouldn’t be bothered by being called a coon and a minstrel. I just thought he’d be above it, knowing he was just teasing JaVale, and figured Shaq’s got his and wouldn’t be worried about any name-calling. Guess I was wrong though. Huh.

It’s shorthand. Clearly something you are not familiar with.

It was a ban that only affected Muslims. Nobody is saying all Muslims were banned, it’s just shorthand.

Except that they are escalating the ass-hattery.

By the way, do you happen to know if this seller would have qualified for the discount? (If I don’t like the speaker I got, I might try to exchange it for one from this seller.)

By the way, do you happen to know if this seller would have qualified for the discount? (If I don’t like the speaker

This made me wonder...can the cyclists make modifications to their bike for rain and for mountain stages? Or ride a different bike entirely according to those factors?

he could also do his own reporting and write the article himself. what the fuck is wrong with people these days??