
“Look at me...

Thank you! And I am someone who frequently needs pictures and diagrams to understand things, so this helps. I did end up getting something. I wanted an anker or oontz speaker, but the one I got looks cool too. But I’ll see if I could’ve gotten one of the ones I wanted. If so, maybe they’ll let me exchange it.

Thank you! And I am someone who frequently needs pictures and diagrams to understand things, so this helps. I did

Except that they received a MUCH greater benefit from that infrastructure so they should pay more into it. AND the infrastructure and strength of the populace clearly NEED that investment. They don’t.

I think in this case, her face mask dug into the dirt and acted as a braking mechanism. But yeah I think even without that it’s slower.

Look at me, I can be...Center for Treatment of Paralysis & Reconstructive Nerve Surgery’s newest patient. 

Thanks—it’s weird mine isn’t showing that. At least for non-Amazon items it’s hard for me to tell until I try to apply the code.

Thanks—it’s weird mine isn’t showing that. At least for non-Amazon items it’s hard for me to tell until I try to

Can you buy non-Amazon sold items with those Amazon gift cards?

Can you buy non-Amazon sold items with those Amazon gift cards?

Yeah I was gonna say, anytime you want to get into a bar THAT much, bad things are likely to follow.

Yeah, re-watching that part of the video...Porter has his hand on the cop’s wrist only briefly and during that time, you don’t see the cop make any jerking motions as if to free his wrist. So the ‘no matter how hard I tried’ part is clearly untrue. I think ‘grabbed the wrist’ is the extent the truth here.

I’ll keep saying it everywhere, compared to his production, his baggage is NOTH-THING. NOTHING. I hope the Pelicans keep him and can find some other good pieces.

Like the people who come on deadspin and say ‘stick to sports’.

He’s a donut. Buddy Hield is a munchkin.

Wow, this reminds me of when Chris Webber was traded from Washington to Sacramento and a Washington Post columnist (probably Tony Kornheiser or Michael Wilbon, but maybe Tom Boswell) described him as being sent to basketball Siberia for not meeting Washington’s expectations. Of course it was Washington that went to

the whole thing was pretty silly, but for the fact that it was a setup to let sager’s son finish the deal, which was so sweet.

still not as bad as when he went 0-10 against the lakers earlier this year.

a perfect use of shaq

“too stupid to know how stupid they are”

The fact that he expounds upon it, grinning into a camera, seems to be evidence supporting this. 

And he’s from freaking Australia! He has personally traveled at least halfway around the globe.

This is a simple easy way to make mine more ‘real’. I will just do my normal old ones and keep that count going up, and work these in as supplements and hopefully they’ll start catching up.

I’ll also have to start vacuuming more frequently.

Shit I just realized that this could be one hell of an all-star game. I know it’s gotten completely diluted over the years, but if this one ain’t good, I don’t think it will ever be good.