Bronson Arroyo's Cornrows
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To me, Nick Markakis is most well-known for being the batter when this happened.

Yeah, there was no T about that. Fucker was out cold before he hit the ground.

The only thing not to be excited about for are those jerseys. They look like companion pieces for the ‘94 USMNT kit.

Stick a fork in ‘em, he’s done. 

Nothing scarier than that last split-second, knowing you’re not going to save it and there’s no airbag/seatbelt/crumple zone around you to protect you. And I’ve never crashed at TdF speeds before. 

Never said he watched the whole thing. 

Just like 500 days of Kristin, that will also end prematurely, as we finally give in to the cry for mercy from our raging bowels.


Third base coaches should know not to run on JBJ by now. Not only did he throw the fuck out of it, but he placed the fuck out of it right into Sandy Leon’s mitt

That’s a weird Jeopardy answer.

Play Bach should be at the top of the list if you’re a classical musician. I wouldn’t voluntarily sit through a concert of his music, but there are few better real-world performance pieces out there that will make you intimately familiar with your instrument.


Found Don’s coworker.

I’m sure I’m going to be personally attacked as supporting racism for this viewpoint

I mean, yeah, you did fine, in the sense that once you have fried eggs (the way you ordered them, with runny yolks, is called over easy, Cam) and bacon and pancakes, everything is okay and any which way you eat this glorious bounty is good so long as you use the right orifice. But the true Advanced Breakfast Tactic,

Fucking godDAMMIT.

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I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as this, but the only mental image I can conjure up is that crash from the Red Hook Crit a few years ago.

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When I finished grad school, I got a part-time job at the two-story Starbucks right outside the Harvard Square T stop. Just like the first woman I’d gone stupid for, I stayed less than a year.

Could really use that shotgun now.