Bronson Arroyo's Cornrows

It’s easy to do, nothing west if Framingham really exists. And that’s being generous to Framingham.

It’s not Worcester you need to worry about, it’s the exit to 84. Once you’re past that, it’s smooth sailing all the way.

I’m late to this party, but...YOUR. 👏🏼 FUCKING. 👏🏼 USERNAME. 👏🏼 IS. 👏🏼 EVERYTHING. 👏🏼

Like a teenage boy* could find it. Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything.

What is there to gain from this humiliation, except for crippling sadness, minor constipation, and a better idea of just how small I am—I mean, we all are?

My dad was the superintendent of the parks department in my hometown, which meant summers were spent hanging out with him at the municipal ball field when he was working overtime for the American Legion tournaments. As a chubby, bespectacled, (probably) stinky adolescent, I was quite the sight as I ate my height in

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This reminds me of the two of you right now:

The most important moments in life usually happen when you’re walking. Ever ask someone you’re dying to go out with if they wanna go for a walk, and they say yes? It feels fucking GREAT. That’s gonna be a good walk. Then maybe you two walk down the aisle after you get married, and then walk through the hospital to see

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I have a feeling I’ll be using this a lot in the next week:

“Guys, sometimes it’s fine to just let things be! Let guacamole be guacamole—no need to add whatever random shit is laying around your refrigerator to it.”

If it’s not the ass-eating story, then Jim Cooke got robbed.

Checks out

Big Babies.

...Boston Pizza?

Now you’re just stealing from FIFA’s playbook

And, he says, there hasn’t been any pushback. “The reaction to this announcement has been 100 percent positive.”

Luger’s not a bad choice. I’d also submit the Mauser C96 or a Webley revolver if money’s not an issue. Otherwise, I’d say a Ruger Mark II/III/IV for that vintage look with modern functionality.

Merlot did list racist fan as an option.