Shit. I should be high when reading this, because that's mindfuck I wasn't expecting.
You'll curse the gods, doubt everything, it'll be OK. We're here.
It was a fun read! People are truly losing their minds!
I'm heading over to check it out. Sounds entertaining!
Right? They are badass, and they owned the mean streets.
I would like this party, please.
Yes! Plus doing questionable and possibly illegal debauchery. No pictures, no evidence. :)
Oh my fucking word.
Motion seconded.
When clearly they are NOT.
I love you.
OK, which one is Mark?
Oh, um, oh God, how do I say this, um...there are sequels. Probably.
That will work much, much better.
Holy fuck! Can I have one of these delivered to my house, please?!
Also, this is a perfect fuck you to all who say, "go makeup free because we love you without makeup!" No you don't, you big fat liars, because you unleash an internet storm on a beautiful woman who left the mascara one night.
The Canadian thing would be to buy me a beer and invite me to a hockey game.
I didn't...sort of. The Canadianisms were so thick...but I wanted to play because I definitely don't want to work...