Poutine just sounds raunchy.
Poutine just sounds raunchy.
Meh, not denigrating, it's just that the panties don't fly off at the accent. They're nice enough, I guess...
Oh yessssssssss...YUM, THAT MAN!
Nooooo...I hear it often and my panties are firmly on my hips. They don't fly off when I hear it. Give me a sexy Romantic language now...aaaahh yisssss...I can't find the damn things then.
I was once having a rather heated customer service issue with a gentleman who called me 'baby girl' during the course of the discussion. I don't take well to being called pet names, but I dissolved into a warm puddle of desire when he said that and caved.
Oh yeah! I've also had cat food.
Get it, girl!
I think I fell in love with you a little.
It makes *zero* sense.
I'd take Abuela's wrinkles than Tess's wrinkle-free face. Abuela has had a thousand smiles and a thousand laughs.
I MET HER, TOO! Love her.
Or a family friend, or a family member.
Your comment is brilliant! So many people assume that rapists are these villainous scoundrels roaming the countryside who are easily identifiable. While that may be true for some serial rapists, more often than not, rapists hide in a much more benign-looking person.
BABIES get raped. Explain that, conservative slut-shaming, rape-apologists.
Why did they think her opinion was important, and that she would contribute something substantial and useful to the discussion?
She's clueless.
I couldn't help myself.
I'm not normally a violent person, but he has a backpfeifengesicht as well as groin that needs a knee.
BURT! WHY! WHY are you abandoning us?!
Oh yeah, he used to be hot
It's unnerving, actually.