
Dont understand the big deal about manuals. It is a good car for a good price and a fun drive.

...and you lean over to said dick-woman and whisper in her ear, “nice price.”

I imagine the drone had gone into ‘return home’ mode and was booking it back to it’ operator. So while stupid, they probably weren’t in real control of the device when it slammed into the building.

I was dating this woman in college and one spring weekend, I took her back home with me to meet my parents. I lived about 3 hours away from home. My best friend and I are from the same hometown and he had ridden down with us to visit his mom. I borrowed my mom’s car to take her out for a drive. Mom’s car was pretty

Title: The Phantom Fingers

Selective Laser Sintering and Selective Laser Melting are technically two different techniques. They differ in the amount of energy delivered and the completeness of the phase transformation of the material. Sintering just melts the surface of the source particles to bind them to each other, melting melts the whole

Made me think of this

“Guinness says it took 45 minutes to “complete the image,” but it’s not entirely clear if that time was spent locked into a single continuous drift or made with multiple attempts.”

It’s not a public conveyance. It’s a privately operated airline with an interest in keeping its customers free from unnecessary hassle. Your attitude when you board an airline should not be, “How much of an asshole can I be?” It should be, “How can I contribute to making everyone’s flight more comfortable?”

Kristen beat me to the Parsh punch, but she picked the wrong Parsh.

Lets go places...without your consent!

@8:48 minutes there’s still time for road rage, lol

I don’t know what kind of forest you were in, but those guys were in extreme danger of suffering a tire puncture, even if they had commercial grade tires. The trees in that area are either pine or hardwood, and the branches snap to make real nice spears. All they have to do, while driving over those broken up, flaming

I work just blocks from this guys house.

“Touchscreen” isn’t good enough. It needs to be capacitive. Not some 1990s palm-pilot resistive shit.

This is quite possibly the most idiotic and nonsensical automotive rant I’ve ever come across.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too


Mi Dios! Este es la chubacabra! Vamos Amigo, Vamos a mi garaje. NP.