
Does it comes with sparkle plugs?

Stickers? Hell, not that long ago dealers used to actually SCREW dealer emblems to new vehicles. My grandfather special ordered a new dually diesel F350 back in ‘87 and when he was doing the walk around noticed the dealer had screwed one to the tailgate and instantly got madder than I had ever seen him before. The

Golden Commando?? That mean you pee’d your pants?

“They already got the window broke,

Does this remind anyone else of the wgp autococker paintball marker? Finally all of those techs that were able to successfully get the markers timed correctly can now transition to something that actually makes money.

110's are the neatest! I adore those cars!

She is very much an idiot for not looking.

My dad was trading in two vehicles, an X5 and Ram 1500. He drove the X5 to the dealership and I was supposed to follow in the Ram.

I don’t know, I think the chance a Mustang GT would have showed up is pretty low.

Actually, the Cayman, Boxster, Panamera, Macan and Cayenne all have the ignition on the left.

I’m an aircraft mechanic that does heavy maintenance on large aircraft. you would not believe how disgusting everything inside the cabin is. When interiors get taken out to inspect the structure and other components that are hidden by interior panels, you can regularly find boogers, spilled drinks that don’t get

I almost want to see some research on swabbing the common areas to see how much bacteria there is festering there. But then again, I don’t really want to see it.’s like “Dog,The Bounty Hunter” split into two entities...

Unashamed to admit I watched the entire video just so I could spot the sideways MK1 TT Coupe. I own two. #futureclassic

If it were possible to shit so hard it quantum tunnels to every pair of pants you own, this is proof of it.

Having worked with carbon fiber quite a lot in my college days: hell no to ANY clothing made out of CF. you will be itchy for the rest of your miserable existence.

It was trying to escape that godawful paint scheme

Man, imagine falling off at that speed. Owwy kabootles.

Is this when he went through his goth phase?