
Thank god for that pre-existing camry corner!

“industrial saw” makes it sound way more hardcore than “chop saw” or “miter saw”

For those watching the video full-screen on a Windows desktop:

Oh, and why is worried about the trailer, and not the WANG SHAPED POND only a few blocks away?

The cover on the front is to prevent it from seeing pedestrians and attacking them, right?

This was more “what you have to own” rather than “what it takes to race”. I was hoping for more insight into the actual skills required to fly. It looks like a fun hobby.

how long before he wraps it around a tree?

Sorry bleeding-heart crybaby, but if you play stupid games, sometimes you win stupid prizes. I don’t feel bad at all.

The framing of this video is odd - I mean the dude is filming the crowd, and then manages to settle directly between the crowd and the car that is pulling up on his right. He doesn’t react to the blowing horn, etc - it only moves once you hear the smash of the windshield, and even then the reaction time is seriously

And yet, I guarantee there were plenty of people waiting behind them, cursing about being late for work.

I am going to be an asshole here...but jeez, couldn’t they get somebody without a speech impediment to narrate this? I lasted 15 seconds.