
Because headgear does not help and may actually make things worse.

While there’s probably no way to make boxing or football safe, banning gloves from boxing and helmets from football would be a start. Both function more or less the same way-they lessen the danger of certain injuries (broken hands and skull fractures,

I honestly don’t know how I feel about this.

Which will of course never happen because money. Same reason football won’t ever go anywhere despite its inherent dangers. They’ll say that they knew what they were getting into, or some such nonsense.

Actually, we know the questions and the answers. We’ve known them for decades. Boxing has always been a sport built on allowing the impoverished an avenue to what they perceive to be wealth and notoriety if only they will beat each other to a pulp for the entertainment of the privileged. Knowing what we know about the

St. Louis Team Visits Washington, Immediately Curses Other St. Louis Team Visiting Washington.   

But I don’t see a picture of...*blinks*...*squints*

It’s always heartening to see the Cardinals lose, but to see them lose like this? Just goes to show there’s still some good in the world.

I thought for sure with the bases loaded in the top of the 8th the Nats were screwed.

that bit and the old lady dumping her dead dog on Janis’s desk were highlights of the episode. Irving may be gone (not forgotten) but at least they haven’t forgotten the comedy

I hope the third personality turns out to be the snowman from the subway bench.

This review seems really off base for someone who has regularly watched the show; that scene at the end with young Elliot (not Tyrell) and his mother was pretty clearly a metaphor for the inside of his head, just as they’ve been appearing like that since the first season. You seem to be talking about them as if they

This is ridiculous. These spineless politicians are doing the exact same thing 45 did regarding NFL players kneeling. They’re completely politicizing the issue not to the benefit of those adversely affected but to their own. It’s despicable.

Keith Hernandez, the guy from Seinfeld. 

To be fair, if you’re playing the White Sox, Royals, and Tigers 19 times a year, you should win 101 games easily.

How Is The Twins Playoff Losing Streak Even Possible?

Call the cops on your Fox News-brainwashed relatives and try to get their guns taken away next time they start ranting about shooting immigrants on sight. 

Been saying this for a while. I really don’t see any scenario now where his administration ends without political violence.
Impeached and removed? Coup.
Loses the election? Fraud, basically a coup.
Refuses to leave office in 2024, has to be removed? Coup.
Big Mac and Diet Coke-induced heart attack? Man that healthy, dying

This, in all likelihood. “Y’all Qaeda” will basically become a thing, and we’ll end up rooting it out.

Everyone who doesn’t want to watch this movie (and I’m in that group) should instead go watch Phoenix in You Were Never Really Here, where his work is quiet, understated, and absolutely spectacular. That film, which appears to be about a hit man doing a particular job but which is actually an exploration of trauma,

Pats Fans at 7AM: Those texts weren’t that threatening! It was hyperbole! What’s the big deal?