
Did ya ever notice that in every photo Gov. DeScrotum always looks like he just stepped in dog shit? Actually most GOP ‘leaders’ have that look. 

I have a friend (well former friend turned Q-Anon dipshit) that believed that Trump was going to be reinstated as President by the end of November of last year that she bet me $2,000 on it (she was willing to go higher but I know her finances and figured this would be a reasonable sum to actually pay up). Once the end

I actually worked in Congress during the Reagan administration - for a Republican - and worked for Reagan’s re-election campaign (smallest possible role you could have, but still...). The thing about Reaganites, and then Tea Partiers, was they were interested in actual policies. Whether you agreed with them or not,

You really wanna go there bud? First of all, its not the statues of founding fathers being torn down. Its confederate statues. As a native southerner who’s family actually fought on the side of the confederacy, those statues are not worth the pot metal they are made out of.

 And of course I bet you are like most

These are Reaganite descendants. Self indulgent, holier-than-thou WASPs who are bitter because they feel entitled to more. Just as insecure as their current false idols.

I know! First it wasnthe Tea Party and theiir faux outrage at... stuff. Now it’s the foil hat EM shielded bunker dwellers taking over the GOP. It makes one look back on the Reagan/Bush I era fondly.

This is all just part of the nationwide tantrum being thrown by ignorant Trumpanzees who simply cannot stand that the United States election system worked for somebody besides them. Peace? Unity? Inclusion and equality? Their going to piss on all of that. How is this making us “great again”?

There’s an actual law called ‘Stop WOKE’? That’s not an onion article?

If Disney went full gangster on the Florida GOP... I don’t know how I’d feel about that. Big chunks of me would be giggling like a maniac though. BIG chunks.

The Steve Bannons of the world who always complain about Iran aren’t upset about that society.

I’m sorry, saying “rear entrance” violates the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, please turn yourself in

Nope, no difference.

I actually could not go to sleep last night after waking up at 2:00 AM.

Why? Because the day before I had read of yet another GOP state that had signed into law yet another “ Don’t say gay” bill. The time period we are in feels so 1984. And what truly scares me is that there is a very real prospect that because

Correct, there is no meaningful difference at this point.

Do not forget their tendency to make videos talking about their views posing in front of their gun collection, while holding a gun and or religious texts.

These people are about as far from being patriotic as possibly imaginable.

Patriots: People like my grandfathers and Uncles who got drafted and had to go risk their lives fighting in the Pacific and Europe in WW2, came home, never talked about it, got on with their lives, paid their taxes, raised children and so on


I have been thinking about this for some time.

It won’t be long until all a Florida diploma gets you is handicapped parking.

They should probably be careful however, as blocking traffic as an act of protest is a felony in Florida.

Open, brazen ignorance is a kind of honesty.