
Also, you can’t “basically” recuse yourself. You either do or you don’t.

Alright Ron. Make Oregon proud! But seriously none of this matters and none of it will stick.

Everything with Scott is veering towards an intervention that the kardashians can televise. It’s all by design.

Dude, fuck the justice system. This girl should have never had to take that action to begin with.

Jesus Effing Christ. How much more can we take?


I completely agree. I was a little thrown off by Clay’s tape for those exact reasons and I’m really hoping that the second season addresses cognitive dissonance created by that episode.

I thought this show did a good job at showing the insidiousness of rape culture- how men and women both become complicit and desensitized from practically the onset of puberty and how they internalize it into adulthood so that even the “trustworthy” adults fail to give compassionate aid to people in crisis.

I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you didn’t have to lose your loved one to something so senseless and preventable but thank you for staying engaged and trying to prevent future tragedies. You are right. There is no excuse. Buzzed driving is still impaired driving and it’s unfair of the driver to decide not only to

I live in Portland. Same.

It’s such an awful, shitty selfish choice to drive drunk. You know better. Everybody knows better, but people who do it always think they’re the exception to the rule.

Thank you.

What a damn jerk.

Insert something about casting stones in glass houses here. I would say Tomi and Glenda are equals both in rudeness and ignorance.

the tackiness of that chain is 2000's era Lindsay Lohan levels. In other words, I love it.

Agreed x100. Good luck not drinking. It’s a difficult feat when you hate people.

Bwahahaha. I can fit all my stuff in one regular closet.

I hope they’re not waiting out the clock because I don’t see candy being particularly generous in her will. It’s probably true though that Tori has little to no understanding of wealth management kind of in the same way that people who come into a lot of money all at once don’t.

Her family is wealthy but I don’t think they support her at all. I sort of understand wanting to maintain the illusion of wealth but at the same time, get it together guys.

True enough.