
Perfect header photo is perfect. Any middle aged dude looking like that should proceed directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200$.

Really wish I could tag the “making men type paragraphs” facebook group on the “not all men” replies.

Cannot believe how poorly that item is framed, btw — rather than noting that the US just threw in with the literal fascists in Brazil in support of a right wing oligarch and a coup against the democratically elected Venezuelan government, it’s protestors “flood[ing] the streets calling for Maduro’s removal.” No

Speaking as a pasty Irish woman, when I was around 2, I found a bottle of what I guess I thought was water in the house (in Ireland). So I drank it. As you do when you are a toddler. Then ran a ridiculous fever and ended up in hospital. What was in the bottle? The water they washed my great grandmother’s dead body in

When I was four, I thought I was a cat. So I would eat cat food out of the cat food bowl. The same one that not only the cat ate out of, but the raccoons used their grimy paws to steal from at night.

How pedantic. Both the Wetterling and Closs abductions dominated the news cycle on a near daily basis when they happened in the Minneapolis/St. Paul (where I live) news market as that is the nearest major metropolitan area to both abductions. 

I just read it for the first time after seeing this post. Never in my life have I read something so true and honest and identical to the way I feel about fucking ANYTHING. I’m blown away.

How did I never know about that essay? I just finished it at work and feel a strange sense of joy over having found what is sure to be one of my favorite things ever written.

When another commenter suggested/linked to Cat Person the other day, I immediately read it and — unlike anything I’ve ever come across in 40+ years — it suckerpunched me right in the gut. YES. Just YES. She so accurately described the nuances of such situations. I get chills just thinking about it. Literally having

They are setting her up to fail when she isn’t able to ram through anything she wants. When this happens, she will lose her support and that will be the end of her. Look at Obama, the moment he wasn’t able to magically change everything, people abandoned him in the midterms, making further progress that much more

I’d argue that anything making these fools look like the fools they are is useful. Elon’s whole Azelia Banks kerfuffle helped bring him closer to earth in many people’s estimation. America has a wealth worship problem. People assume that “earning” billionaire status is a symbol of meritorious achievement, and they

And anyone who uses the term “gelding” is a WASPy fucking piece of shit.

To be fair, it’s not all PC codswallop, but given the social justice warrior jargon throughout, I suspect this is mostly about psychologizing the gelding of American males.

Since Motherfucker-1 is tweeting about football again, never forget…

Pretending to have an allergy endangers others it should honestly be illegal. Some people can’t smell the food their allergic to and lots of people will go into anaphylactic after one bite. 

So, maybe I am a complete moron, but couldn’t he have just not said any good things while on camera?  If he didn’t want to talk about his “genius”, could he have not talked about his genius?  I like Questlove, but this is really, really thin as far as excuses go. 

As a former Iowan, I get so angry at anti-immigration and anti-illegal-immigration rhetoric spewed both from inside and outside the state. Corn, beans, pigs. It is hard, backbreaking, exhausting, smelly, disgusting work. You know who doesn’t want to do that work for the wage the farms offer? White people.

I would posit that those two things are absolutely related and important details, though. Putting the MAGA hat in his dead mother’s casket and obsessively stalking a woman who is not interested are both signs that he felt the right to control the women in his life.

“The plot of the movie makes no sense, but it’s an allegory” really isn’t selling me on the movie.