Bart Fargo

Michael Harriot is feverishly trying to think of a catchy pejorative to use as we speak.

As an ambidextrous person, I’m playing both sides of the hand wars so that I always come out on top.

Adidas will literally do a “collab” with anybody. Hell, the Adidas X Bart Fargo is dropping next month.

Disruptive, juvenile behavior? What did he do, pants someone or stick somebody’s head in a toilet?

Jackie probably returned to his home in Ari-zonia.

This is like Example #534 that there are too many shows on TV. We could easily trim 25-30 shows off of the various platforms and nobody would notice.

This is like Example #534 that there are too many shows on TV. We could easily trim 25-30 shows off of the various platforms and nobody would notice.

What this show presupposes is...maybe it presupposes something.

For Cardi, it’s her body modifications and previous work as a stripper

Were you aware that Fboy island was actually a peninsula?

Why are you dipping your toes into needless speculation?

Is Tarantino the new randomly selected for no obvious reason AV Club punching bag? Because a lot of energy seems to have been invested in manufacturing controversies around the guy.

Man, Murray is going to be outraged that he’ll have to change his poster.

Man, Murray is going to be outraged that he’ll have to change his poster.

What I find interesting is that the Super Soldier serum gave the petit, 5'5 Sharon Carter the lats and shoulders of a Venice Beach bodybuilder.

Nope, these are All-American. Either they were too dumb to know Jermaine wasn’t Australian, or assumed their audience would be.

I found a collection of old Tintin cartoons in French. Good heavens.