Bart Fargo
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My favorite piece of Outback trivia is that noted Kiwi Jermaine Clement used to do ads for them:

The first Mummy is the closest we’ve come to replicating the Indiana Jones films, and Fraser is a big reason why his character comes off as charming and romantic rather than an insufferable douchebag.

The first Mummy is the closest we’ve come to replicating the Indiana Jones films, and Fraser is a big reason why his character comes off as charming and romantic rather than an insufferable douchebag.

My uncle is actually a “picker” in this line of work, and if you do it with the right person it’s actually kind of fascinating. He can walk into any antique store or garage sale and tell you the age, manufacturer, and actual value of pretty much every item there.

I’ve watched a lot of this show (at least 80 episodes) and EVERY SINGLE PERSON they buy from is a weird white guy who is at least 50 years old and who lives in a huge, junk-filled house in the middle of a country.

All these year later it stills blows my mind that the guy who has the definitive take on Lex Luthor—cold, hubristic, arrogant, frighteningly brilliant—also plays Mr. Krabs.

I personally prefer George Newbern, but it’s a testament to both actors (and the showrunners, and Andrea Romero) that they’re both so obviously playing the same Superman across STAS and Justice League.

I always caught Back to the Future on HBO, and up until last year I had never actually saw the first 15 minutes. It was only then that I learned that Marty McFly had a shitty home life that he actually fixed when he went back in time.

Austrians: like Germans, but fun.

I had to pull up a calculator and confirm.

I do appreciate Gunn’s non-snobby opinion about movie theater vs. TV.

The Bart Fargo x McDonald’s collab is just a gift certificate to a juice bar.

I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant “sexy” in the sense of Sabrina or True Blood or Penny Dreadful, where people are fucking vampires who then rip their faces off or whatever. A happily married couple keeping each other happy can definitely be sexy, but it’s more in the “sweet” category for me.

I’m at the stage in my life where being professionally mediocre is no longer a cardinal sin in my book. As far as we know Fieri hasn’t abused anyone, and he raised $25 million for laid-off restaurant workers. I think he’s earned the right to make and promote unappealing foodstuffs.

For the life of me I don’t know why they’re trying to turn the fucking Addams Family into some sexy and violent reimagining. Literally the entire point of the comic strip and earlier TV shows was that they were creepy weirdos on the outside and kind-hearted on the inside, and outside of fucking Thing there was hardly

Lynn, these are sex people!

As a fan of enormous, square breasts, I’m very disappointed by this news.

You wrote that “The Rock was still raised in a racist society and has to deal with that. He certainly grew up within a culture where he would be viewed as “dirtier” simply by virtue of his skin color.” The idea that the guy is so conditioned/gaslight/brainwashed whatever buzzword du jour you want to use/ by white

I find this particular vein of progressive ideology, that non-white people are passive victims with no agency to resist an all-powerful repressive political/social/cultural hegemony, to be oddly regressive.