Bart Fargo

Jason Statham was 34 when the first Transporter came out, so not quite middle-aged.

Apparently Europe is the new frontier for Latin American drug lords:

I see your point about Pulp Fiction, but what’s interesting is that most of its ripoffs, like Boondock Saints and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, ended up being action movies.

Good point. Although the interesting thing about all the Taken ripoffs is all of them also star Liam Neeson.

I can’t think of another film genre that’s as shamelessly uncreative as action films.

Lying in a court document, especially in an open and shut case like this where he stands to make a lot of money, would be pretty foolish.

Both of those articles you link to a very specifically about Benedetta and are just reporting the comments that Verhoeven made at Cannes. As far as I can tell it’s only the AV Club who are trying to score some sweet outrage points out of the whole thing.

Now playing

If his performance is anything like his guest starring roles on The Adventures of Pete and Pete, we are in for treat:

This seems like one of those patented AV Club “scandals” that nobody actually gives a shit about. The dead giveaway is the random switch halfway through the article from the mock outrage about lesbian nuns fucking with a religious symbol to the mock outrage about the lack of “intimacy coordinator” on set to the mock

Fraser get ipad

Fraser get ipad

Why the hell was a Michigan person eating chili dogs instead of coneys? She’s lucky they didn’t deport her to Cincinnati.

To be fair, it wasn’t me who include Bourdain and Ramsay in the same sentence. 

Man, whatever compromising photos or videos that Fred Armisen has of Lorne Micahels must be really bad, because there’s no other way to justify why Fred keeps getting work.

That’s fine. Just more wonderful, hilarious, intelligent, beautiful, bosomy Jewish leading ladies for me then.


Because of their wealth or celebrity or just their whiteness, certain people can get away with anything.

1). It’s the Sun. They’re literally the worst.

Man, I hate it when that happens.