Bart Fargo

Anybody can have any interpretation about any scene they want to have, and you know I meant that. My point was that scene being “evidence” of some sort of homosexual desire between the two characters is dubious given that it’s established that both Sam and Bucky are straight.

In Captain America: The First Avenger Bucky is so popular with the ladies that he has two dates (even though one was for Steve). In Captain America: Civil War, Bucky makes a joke to Steve about going on a date with a woman and Steve replies that she’s now either dead or over 100 years old. And in TFAWS Bucky openly

Different audiences will get different readings from the same work, and none of them is inherently privileged or correct. Even authorial intent is next to meaningless, especially for works like Luca or Sam n’ Bucky that had literally dozens of different people (with different backgrounds and inputs) working to

I know absolutely nothing about Luca, so I can’t speak to that. But for Falcon and Winter Soldier, I don’t see what coding is happening. Is it the scene where they fall out of a plane, hit the ground, and then start rolling around? Personally I read that as a comedic scene where they were acting like stubborn

Can I ask a question? What exactly is “diet culture”? Because people obsessing over being thin existed long before social media:

What a ridiculous argument to make. People don’t get to change whatever facet of pop culture they like to suit their preferences*. Does this mean Hamlet and Horatio are gay because it seems to me that he’s way more interested in spending time with his servant buddy than Ophelia? Or that Princess Leia isn’t actually

There’s a universe where Sigourney Weaver could have conceivably played Silk Spectre (unlike her being in Blue Velvet or Jurassic Park), but Smart brings that Han Solo-type of snarky dismissiveness that you need in sci-fi shows which works so damn well.

It’s not a flattering video. Bruce looks fantastic:

I admit I’m not somebody who follows fashion trends, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the Larry King look to get popular.

Any mention of the term “method acting” is not complete without the famous thing Laurence Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman: “My dear boy, have you tried acting?”

In his free time between takes he kept trying to capture Richmond.

How much do you want to bet that the “Medical Freedom” crowd are also the same ones showing up to harass women walking into abortion clinics?

As my grandmother always said, never put off until tomorrow a war you could fight today.

The Root: *writes something snarky and provocative over an obscure issue*

It’s a lot easier to snark at the girl from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt or the Hamilton guy’s movie because they’re straightforward targets. Going after politicians requires a more nuanced understanding of difficult, multifaceted issues.

To be fair, he’s the biggest draw for many people to see this movie so he knows he has to be in it in some capacity.

If Jeffrey Toobin is on your TV for more than 4 hours a day, see your doctor.

“How can it be the same intellectual property if they’ve changed my character from a nerdy white girl who drives around solving crimes with her stoner friends and talking dog to a jittery eskimo firefighter? Uh huh, mmhm, well, actually, that’s a pretty good explanation.”