
Yeah - it’d really suck if you were to finish a pretty decent career as a yoga instructor, retire to the country, get an unlisted number, and then every two weeks or so have some starry-eyed orphan show up thinking you’re their long-lost father because your ex-brother-in-law thought it’d be HIIIIILARIOUS to slip

Watch out for green midgets.

Must respectfully disagree. Bonkers lingerie can be lots of fun ;)

Not really. He and Kim hooked up once, literally like 15 years ago.
Chyna hooked up with him after leaving Tyga before she had any dealings with the K Klan.
Khloe just likes to fuck around and Game is easy dick. She didn’t KNOW Chyna when they hooked up and the dick is 15 years removed from her sister. HARDLY them

I agree. Both guys were patient and happy to be doing it at all. I think I was overthinking it and overwhelmed engaging in two sexual acts at one and feeling sensations everywhere.

I think when it’s both men they are usually just happy to have a seat at the table and don’t complain if you’re temporarily distracted. But I've never tried it with a partner who wasn't super into it so I don't doubt it's harder for some couples!

A few years ago I got to live my dream: sucking off one man while my (now ex) boyfriend banged me from behind. It was indeed everything I’d ever wished for. GOD. Yes.

If you're lucky enough to have one where you're the center of attention they're rad. But sometimes it's just too much coordination and I don't find waiting my turn fun at all.

See also: Bill Cosby.

And the majority of molesters are not on a sex offender list.

I know that many people on the lists are not child molesters. I don’t have any idea on actual percentages. That still doesn’t stop the “not in my backyard” emotional reaction. That's part of the reason I question the whole concept of the registry lists. Making these people wear a scarlet letter for the rest of their

It’s pretty much the same in the U.S. Understandably, an employer doesn’t want to invest the resources and time training a new employee only to have her go on maternity leave and have to train a new person from scratch. Contractors are expensive and there is a chance the woman doesn’t come back to the same job after

When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an

I suppose the lack of this particular worry is a nice upside of not having a penis.

Ha yeah. I’m a piece of shit, I know if I were a man I’d have probably impregnated at least five different women by now if contraception were left up to me. My husband is of a different kind though, that’s why I locked him down.

Lol, contraception has been his responsibility for a year. No pregnancies. He's the most responsible man in the world.

I think this tweet puts it better than I did:

You’re not wrong. It’s been around for ages. I remember watching a 1940's movie as a little kid, hearing the girl call her boyfriend “Daddy” and being sooo confused, haha. Ben Franklin had a troupe of Parisian girlfriends who called him Papa.

sounds like a Tuesday night to me.

how did Deadline get a hold of my OK Cupid profile