Can I just say that Whole Foods sure did turn to shit since Amazon bought it. I could spend all night listing all of the ways that all of my local WF’s in Manhattan have deteriorated severely since the switch.
Can I just say that Whole Foods sure did turn to shit since Amazon bought it. I could spend all night listing all of the ways that all of my local WF’s in Manhattan have deteriorated severely since the switch.
If it weren’t for the scientific superiority of the West, the Saudis would still be in relative poverty, sitting on natural resources which had no monetary value. It was the West which created the internal combustion engine and gave that “useless” black goo a monetary value. It was the West which exported the…
I have an iPhone 6Plus and while it’s a tank, I’m really starting to feel the lag as compared to newer phones. Especially when opening and moving between apps.
Seems kind of low if you ask me...
I still have an iPhone 6 Plus and it’s the best phone I’ve ever owned. Still going as strong as the day I got it - the battery hasn’t deteriorated much at all. I remember the first day I got it, I couldn’t believe how big it was and how awkward it felt in my hand (ooer missus). I kept thinking I was going to drop it,…
Come on man nobody worries that higher volumes are likely to drain their battery faster. That’s just crazy talk for loonies and psychos. No, the real question is whether or not having black wallpaper will extend my battery life. And I say: how could it not?
To be fair, the left is just as bad when it comes to that.
I don’t see how anyone can express surprise that other people have an opinion without feeling foolish. What are they supposed to do, never discuss their political views ever? Change their opinions to suit conservatives? The problem isn’t that there’s a conspiracy by liberals to keep conservatives out of the media.…
Nope, it’s not that at all - I see the nuances, and conclude that I couldn’t give a sh*t.
Unions treat people like shit too.
Hi Claire! Thanks for letting us know that you have the intellectual capacity of George Bush in your refusal to see the nuances of a complicated issue. Awesome stuff!
Well, I shall continue to do my usual thing of selecting the best products at the best prices. I couldn’t give a sh*t if the workers are unionized or not.
I’m not even surprised any more. Today’s news is full of these kinds of stories - holier than thou, butter-wouldn’t-melt looking people who turn out to be scumbags trying to pull off the dumbest imaginable scams that a frigging penguin could have told them would have resulted in arrest. I have a feeling these two will…
The reason why it’s so much stricter for cars is that they’re 3000lb+ hunks of fast moving, reinforced steel which are capable of wiping out dozens of lives in seconds, with a mere whimsical flick of the wrist. 30,000+ people are killed by them every year, and tens of thousands more die prematurely from health…
By that logic, we should ban cars ASAP. I mean if dockless scooters are so dangerous then cars are 1000x more dangerous.
Define “massive problem.”
Can we do something about the millions upon millions of cars that are littering our streets? You cannot move for these dockless monstrosities, people just leave them lying around at the side of the road. Why should car owners benefit from free storage? Here in NYC the roads are jam packed with cars that people only…
So many abject idiots everywhere and some of them have access to motor vehicles. They’re why I’ve always been scared of driving. Just that sheer thick, oozing moronity that seems to afflict a sizable % of the population. Horrifying.
I made the mistake of reading very detailed accounts of the fire in Mati when I was stoned. Getting caught in one of these infernos is my worst nightmare, and the thought of being trapped in a car in those flames is unthinkable. I couldn’t help thinking about those people who got caught on the clogged road in Mati and…
This article paints a pretty accurate picture of the suckniness of Google software in general. It’s always missing basic functionality and is frequently counter intuitive, especially when it comes to navigating around their apps. Worse still, they’re always moving stuff around and changing things to the point where…