
Yea— and Eddie Murphy did a parody of that on SNL called White Like Me.

You are!! Rent was doomed from the start!

Did not like Rent. But this had me really on board.  There’s something about true talent cut down in its prime. The things Larson would have created are mourned here and rightfully so. His heart in the right place, his gift for musical language and mentors like the mighty Sondheim-- just no telling what we missed out

I had to stop reading the book. It was just too too.... After you realize what’s happening it’s like looking into a personal holocaust.  

However, all Karens are not meddlesome and all annoying white women are not Karens.

Then you clearly don’t understand the purpose of Girls or girls.

I’m sure it all takes place at Ivy League State.

No. You actually just proved my point. The PURPOSE is not to tell the world they are private...But the FACT that you write the memoir to reveal them despite their privacy IS hypocritical. IE, they are private, but I’m writing a memoir to talk about our relationships.......

Watching Kendall be so obviously bi-polar is really hard to watch.  The mania, then the self-pitying downside.... just fukn brutal. 

fuk u dude..... i spit coffee!!

People who are boring don’t instigate comments. QED

I’m gonna write a memoir and hire a PR firm to tell the world how private my fiance, my family and my brother are.

Yes. And thank god for that.

oh burn. Wow- did you get me!! I feel just soo soooo.... ashamed of my comment now for pointing out the hypocrisy of narcissistic celebrities.

Wow— I had forgotten she was in Panic Room. Jodie Foster is another actor she reminds me of. Foster radiates intelligence-- a Hepburn Know-it-all-ism. But K Stew has her sense of physical fierceness. 

I’m gonna write a memoir and hire a PR firm to tell everybody how private I am.

It is sort of weird how she does the ironic detachment thing, eh? But I guess maybe that’s what draws me in. Like Walken’s weird speech pattern or Bette Davis’s cigarette. LOL

I’ll never know. I just have zero interest in Twilight. I haven’t been a teenage girl for many years now. Lol.