
Eh, Kathy Griffin’s career was cancelled around the same time as Suddenly Susan was cancelled. By the time she got media scrutiny for that severed Trump head photo, most people hadn’t thought about her in like 15 years.

Well, sort of. She did get cancelled, but she seems to have made a rebound with her comedy (or pity party, depending on your view) tour. Not sure if being able to do that can really qualify her as fully “cancelled”.

Okay, yesterday it was a movie review that refused to review the movie that it was a review for. Now it’s an article bemoaning articles like itself. The AV Club skinsuit y’all have been shambling around in has begun rotting, and it’s really stinking the place up. 

Pretending to be too enlightened for bullshit clickbait in the midst of vomiting out precisely said form of bullshit clickbait is, sadly, the entire operating procedure of this witless contemporary version of AVClub.

Glaser killed it.

I’ve seen a lot of movies, which means I’ve seen a lot of bad movies.  They were all bad for their own reasons.  But no movie has made me as ANGRY, enraged at the squandered opportunity, as Bonfire of the Vanities.  Like if Vanilla Ice secured the exclusive rights to a previously undiscovered Mozart symphony and

I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve had a crush on Annie Potts ever since I saw the trailer for “Corvette Summer.”

Please, prove my point more by resorting to cheap insults. Many thanks.

Fuck him. He had an episode of his awful last show about how evil white people were. He used cooked, debunked stats to paint a case for “systemic racism”, one guest was against colorblindness and merit, and he rounded out the roster with women whom you pay to come to your house for dinner to tell you how racist you

Having just watched the episode, I think they were

Public display of dissatisfaction

‘”What is PDD?”’

I totally agree. Most of the short guys I know make out like gangbusters. And none of them seem slightly bothered by it. Confidence is appealing.

One joke about the hotness of the host is allowed. It is almost never funny.

If you’re not offended by the comments you’re whining about, what word you use for your feelings.

Thank you.

I use Michael Clayton for the chapter on acting in my intro to film course. Wilkinson, Swinton, and Clooney are all fucking amazing in it. Without fail every semester none of my students have seen it, and afterwards they’re asking me about Wilkinson, and I whip out my montage of scenes with him from other films with

Every scene with him and Sissy Spacek in In the Bedroom was an acting masterclass on the screen. Still think that’s one of the best movies of the 2000s.

Because Michael Che thinks the funniest things in the world are ironic racism and non-ironic misogyny.

Fair enough.