
I’ve never seen the Twilight pix— but K Stewart is absolutely riveting as an actor. She’s got that kinetic energy that leaps from her body thru the screen. She acts with her whole body with a twitchy electricity; it reminds me of Diane Keaton, actually. Always interested to see what she’s doing next. Also— Happiest

I always thought it started with str8 women who wrote about fantasy gay pairings of fictional str8 Characters... exp. Spock and Kirk.

What really struck me about this ep is that no one picked up on the fact that Greg’s Grampa Ewan is “putting his affairs in order” and “ Getting his estate settled”— those are the words of a dying man—- with potential for gain by some deft suck-up.

I really like a director. Some of his movies are really good some are not. This list makes people mad because this director is or isn’t like the other directors I really love or don’t. I’m gonna made a slide show. Because, clicks and pissed off people.

I love Dave Chappelle. I think he’s a genius. I see his humanity and his love and his utter sincerity. I don’t see the hate others see in him. I’m a gay guy who’s been put thru conversion therapy and beat up and intimidated. But Dave Chappelle is not a bigot or abuser. This man knows discrimination. He does NOT

In 2002, he won the role of openly gay vigilante Omar Little....” had nothing to do with the fact that he is personality-free.

So..... it was the Boomers all along. Millennials off the hook. Gen Z off the hook. Gen X off the hook. Evil evil Boomers!!!  One note: looking at text messages on screen IS NOT DRAMA!

New information. ok.

What a terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible man that everyone made a famous millionaire. Until it became time to see that you couldn’t let him be the avatar for your second-hand str8 guy complicity.  You are all so awesome. And not at all virtue-signaling. 

Which TV show botched the ending SO bad it ruined the entire otherwise good series for you? HOW I MET YOUR MOHTHER! DEXTER and.... THE SIMPSONS which refuses to know it’s dead. 

“Bullying”? Isn’t that an adorable word here.

Just cut to the chase and name them Meth, Pole-Dancer and Josh Hawley.

Gotta say I love all these actresses and that hot dude. Kinda bummed not gonna get to see how it worked out.

Yes, that is exactly how that worked. If I reported on a story from some John Smythe the editor would ask, are you sure about that unusual spelling? If it had been Smith not Smythe — that was a fireable offense. Basic, fundamental facts are not to be trifled with and not to be taken for granted. It shows lack of care

The rebel yell of current journalism: “It’s on YOU that you didn’t know I don’t know facts!!”

the song AND the finger!!! like all our first

sorry dude...that’s probably not going to happen.  But feel free to hate me. 

But you have not told us if the song or the finger was the worst part of this story.... I’m gonna go ahead and tell you how bad I feel that you had to go to he doctor’s office and listen to the terrible song while your little fingy was getting repaired.  Poor guy.
