barry bickle

I was using "shit" as a collective term FF Woodycooks, if indeed that is your real name.

Miami Vice and Blackhat are great but then I'm a total Mann dork. And even I couldn't really recommend Public Enemies.

Haha well my socio-economic situation wasn't as bad as those guys. When it came out in Paris, La Haine was a fucking event. The riot footage you see in the film was what was happening around the city. They discussed it in parliament. Plus the soundtrack was banging.

He's good in Kiss Of Death (was that 1995 as well?) and as a bit player in shit like King Of New York and even Mad Dog & Glory, but these days he's a sunglasses-removing punchline. Maybe the next Tarantino can give him the Travolta revival treatment.

I personally can't stand the guy, but he doesn't ruin the film at all. He comes close with "yo homey, is that my briefcase?" and when he starts shouting at Max's dispatcher, but yeah it is an amazing film and one of my favourites by Mann.

Heat is probably my favourite film, definitely top 5, but I don't think there's much more that can be said about it in a column such as this.

Banderas is something else in that film. I think that was when I figured out what "chewing the scenery" actually meant. Plus it gave the world that great reaction gif.

well I haven't seen it in 22 (!!) years but I can't remember it setting the world on fire

Jade probably has the most retarded sex scenes in mainstream cinema I've ever witnessed. That sure was a strange time when Caruso was legitimately starring in films.

I was living in Paris in 1995, struggling to learn the language and generally one step away from sliding into teenage delinquency. The way I did manage to eventually master French was by sitting through films in version originale and reading the subtitles.

I guess it doesn't really qualify, but The Usual Suspects was also 1995.

Crying Freeman was also 1995 . It was a great year for middling action films of the Asian persuasion.

The Hunted, oh man, when those ninjas chop their way through an entire train….

Jesus Tittyhumping Christ, talk about burying the lead. This is JOHN ORTIZ, one of Michael Mann's go-to character actors, not some hump from the Fast & Furious (and those films are fine for what they are, though I honestly don't remember Ortiz being in any of them)

He's definitely trying to get Carrie out the paint but staging an attack to justify the CIA? Surely Dar Adal has seen The Long Kiss Goodnight and how badly that turned out for the bad guys.

If Michio Kaku had been born white and shit, he'd probably look like Bill Maher.

I doubt Scorsese is making Dirty Grandpa 3 or whatever the fuck

definitely awesome, but I got the impression it is thought of quite favourably (even in regards to something like Goodfellas)

It's so obviously him that I don't think it will be. Plus I think that while Dar Adal is an asshole, I don't think he's a fucking asshole.

but would anyone even notice?