barry bickle

all these newer HBO sequences and especially the Marvel/Netflix ones remind me of that arthouse Mr Plow commercial from The Simpsons

Ron Weasley's let himself go

Only watched Age Of Spin so far and it was great. MLK losing his sneaker deal killed me. Some of the punchlines fell flat, and some of the material was so-so, but the guy is still good enough to make it work.

The silver lining is that if he's golfing then he's not doing some other wild shit like launching missiles at Chicago or fingerbanging his daughter

"stupida facking game"


I read this post to myself in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried

I didn't buy it. Outkast yes, maybe a ten year old white kid would be listening to them. Some album cut off Coolie High? Fuck no.

I'm almost at the end of episode 6 where Danny Bland is fighting some vampish Asian dragon lady in what looks like the set of a Meatloaf video, and considering calling it quits. This post might have sealed the deal for me. It's just not good at all.

it proves that he's a Van Halen fan at the very least

poor man's Ryan Phillippe, shitty Patrick Bateman

Just watched it, loved it but can't really argue with any of the above. It's uneven and you can see the influence of Blue Ruin and stuff like Blood Simple. But Lynskey is great in it.

Two episodes in and it's very much meh. The guy playing him certainly mastered the Zen art of being nothing.

haha that's a pretty great description of it

I dunno, for me it was all those things: glorious, beautiful, baffling, overrated. Can't say it was trash but unsure if it is a genuine masterpiece. My memory from the cinema is more positive than not but I'm not dying to rewatch it on DVD. There were a lot of walkouts when me and Mrs Bickle saw it.

He watched The Long Kiss Goodnight and thought he could do better

those weirdo neighbours seemed to have been parachuted in from an entirely different show

he was good in House Of Cards

Jessica Jones was probably the best of the bunch so far, but for me all of them have dragged by the back end of the season.

Iron Fist was a little before my time that was spent gorging on Marvel Comics, but even with this other stuff you mentioned the comic character is absolutely the white saviour trope.