barry bickle

So many hotties , so little care about the plot
That girl with the fake scars, what
Miranda's son looks like a midget Carlton Banks, if that's possible

Is that a Muslim joke?


yeah I can't stand her but that's a great summation of Stephen Fry


Got this far and I'm really not remembering any of this shit from the book, other than the stuff from the pilot. I thought the guy from the antiques store (Childan in the novel) was one of the main characters.

Ballers: The Early Years

no Submission by Houellebecq, your argument is invalid

cops are coming

what, no Copperhead?

yeah well that's just, like, your opinion man

her sneer should be preserved by the Library of Congress

I always associated him with Scarface (obviously) and this bizarre vampire film by John Landis from the early 1990s called Innocent Blood that is jam packed with character actors. Then when he turned up in The Sopranos he was Feech through and through.

and Donnie

I stopped watching Fresh Off The Boat after two episodes because it was unfunny beyond belief, but from memory it was set in the mid 1990s? So how is DMX on the show playing DMX? He didn't get famous until 1999 or so.

hopefully they will finally cover his early disco years with Change

she had a sneer to end all sneers, which is understandable being married to that dicksleeve of a husband

god damnit his dad needs his own show, man

The whole 'girls with clothes on the floor vs guys being messy in the kitchen' thing was incredibly true to life (mine, anyway). Enjoying the show, even though there never feels like much is at stake.

I hated it, but then I also hated Public Enemies. Maybe historical Mann doesn't do it for me (Last Of The Mohicans notwithstanding).