barry bickle

I would pay money to have this film scrubbed from my brain, and I say that as a big Mann Fann

**quickly followed by deserved jazz funeral**

Bluftoony. Honk Honk.

this is the comment he/we/she/us all deserved

but did Greedo shoot first?

the Elephant Man/ODB comparison is surprisingly genius

In support of who? Martians?

It's also why I don't get the whole "homeland is anti Arab and Muslim" thing either. They're pretty cynical about everybody.

He also killed Mozart

Zeljko Ivanek or GTFO

I think that was probably what spoiled the film a bit for me, all that on the nose stuff with cutting to Obama on the TV

I was pretty underwhelmed by the film (although Gandolfini and Mendelsohn were great as usual), but god knows that's never stopped me from reading the original book (I'm looking at you, Memoirs Of An Invisible Man).

I might give Cogan's Trade a go.

Moon Palace is my favourite

I've not read Seven Killings yet but Book Of The Night Women was written in ye olde patois and was still one of those novels that you can't put down. Granted, Seven Killings has that multi-narrator thing as well which probably makes it more difficult.

I got maybe 30 pages into 1Q84 and thought it was like a McSweeneys satire of a Murakami novel.

Boston Teran - God Is A Bullet.

I thought JD Robb was more slightly futuristic but not quite sci-fi police procedurals. I've never read any myself but in theory I am a fan of slightly futuristic but not quite sci-fi police procedurals.

I've never really got why Murakami is so revered. Well, I have a vague theory but it's long and usually elicits angry responses from guys in chunky-framed glasses about what an imbecile I am.

They are the Mexicans of Germany