barry bickle

there's only 2 songs on it

same here, I feel that I should like it but it never caught on with me
I only remember the original show being old, the original films being not very good, and there's so many spin-offs etc I don't know where to even start

it's complete trash

what about Pamela Anderson?

I always thought he was pretty divisive in terms of his "greatness". A lot of people will tell you he's a hack. That seems to have changed more recently, possibly because he's been around forever. That and he seems like a pretty cool guy.

I saw Guernica when I was in Madrid and I have to say that I really didn't get it. I mean, I get the message, war is bad mkay?, but it looked like a big pile of crap.

what about Anthony Anderson?

I was listening to a podcast with Erick Sermon this week and he said the exact same thing about categories. The idea that other genres have them while hip hop is just "hip hop".

I'm not a big fan of vodka or tomato juice but when you mix them together something amazing happens.

I agree, but Old Man is a fucking wonderful song

yeah, sure

Raymond Chandler. I see why people like him, but I personally find the language corny and insufferable.

top 5 alien overlords - go!

yeah I can't stand The Beatles either and that's no mean feat living in England

I read a lot and quite widely, everything from obscure crime fiction to Donald Barthleme, and I've never got into Infinite Jest or DFW's fiction either. Maybe I'm too dense as well.

I'm with Mike, the frogs just killed it for me

hey film critic, they're actually not synonyms

as far as sexual innuendo goes, that one is verging on Cartesian

I'm with Duffman on this one, I'm afraid.