barry bickle

pretty good template for life if you ask me

Yeah that's the one. It's not terrible stacked up against a lot of other shows I guess, I just remember being pretty meh about that one and maybe the ep before it

I actually really liked the pilot but yes some of the episodes after it were completely forgettable. But they were still pilfering Elmore characters/scenes wholesale back then, so that trainspotting aspect was enough to keep me watching.

No I've never got around to it. The film is okay but the show is meant to be much better (I think?).

I find it hard to believe that she is not actually an android from the future

haha yes I imagine it is

Maybe not short-lived but definitely killed too soon, and for what? That film with Christian Bale? I was sceptical of TSCC at first but it got pretty good towards the end of the run.

He's now one of those actors where, if he shows up as an ostensibly good guy, you know that he's going to turn out to be a bad guy. Like in The Killing season 3 (don't ask why I watched), he was the squad lieutenant or some shit but I knew he would turn out to be the maniac killer because Elias Koteas

seek therapy

for years I thought Mendelsohn and Noah Taylor were the same dude

To me a character actor is someone who always plays a similar role in everything, even their face is just TV shorthand for "oh this guy's gonna be a total jagoff/Mexican gangster/stickler for the rules/sexually inappropriate/insert whatever cliche here"

There are some case of the week episodes in season 1 which you can absolutely avoid, the one with Buster from arrested development in particular was a real stinker. Think from about episode 8 onwards they start to put together a proper story arc. Doesn't hurt that Walton Goggins is omnipresent either.

first season is hit and miss (no pun intended sir), but it gets really good towards the end

The AV Club

not to mention his rendition of early 2000s pop hits

10/10 concept, would download for free

that was the first time I realised he was 'that guy' and he had a name

David Lo Pan, Big Trouble In Little China

Hong was in 3 of the greatest films of all time, 4 if you include Airplane

I got the feeling this was more of a 'new wave character actor' type of list. This kind of crap is the sort of useless knowledge I pride myself on, and there were still about half a dozen names up there that I hadn't known.