barry bickle

god he's such a bastard in that film…"you wouldn't want to rape them, but the plumbing works fine"

I remember him vaguely from The Year My Voice Broke, and he must have still been a teenager then. Only really popped back up on my radar when The Place Beyond the Pines came out, but he's been great in everything since.

you can take the boy out of Australia but . . .

watch out for that first butt, it's a dooo-hoo-zy

"flaxen-haired jagoff" is a thing of great beauty

Yawn. A septuagenarian Travis Bickle shoving one up Hathaway would have at least had some comedic potential.

Not at all Harvey, he's great in everything I've seen him in, and usually steals the show. In the case of Bloodline, he was about the only good thing in the show.

yeah that shit made me laugh and wince at the same time

So has Mendelsohn ever played anything but a "stringy, sweaty hunk of pure desperation"? is such a thing even possible?
I vaguely remember him as a kid actor in Australia but he only resurfaced again (for me at least) in Place Beyond The Pines.

fuckin gold, how does it work?

needs more Indo Silver Club

Ha, yeah, I was watching Tommy thinking 'where do I know this dude from?' and had to IMDB. Mind blown. He's doing pretty well with a character that is basically TV Irish 101.

Marisa Tomei is on my list of "women over 50 that I still would"

pretty awesome I'd imagine

Terryology, yo

he compared him to the actual Terrence Howard, though in all fairness he seems like a fictional character from what I've heard lately.

no, pig

Jonah Hill as Rubin is pretty much the worst idea I've ever heard

and God damn that is one horrible cover