barry bickle

Not ever read any of his books myself but he comes across as a blowhard.

Thanks. I genuinely feel that I now have no need to read this book after that.

Lethem is still the best of the literary Jonathans

You give the creators far too much credit. The VO was completely unnecessary, with Captain Obvious explaining things in that cornpone accent that really weren't that hard to follow.

hell yeah, I love the early AC/DC stuff

Tea & Cake or Death!

dude needs a crash and burn period before he comes back in his mid 30s as Barry Pepper Redux

Clarence Beeks!

Yep the ending of that one felt like a cop-out but the rest of the book was great from (admittedly hazy) memory.

watched it, enjoyed it but the narration wasn't necessary at all
would disappear for stretches when Murphy was off screen and you would forget it was even there then suddenly this southern drawl would cut in with Captain Obvious stuff and it took me out of it
Liotta in Goodfellas really gelled with the rest of the film,

scrub [skruhb]; a guy who think's he fly
see also: busta

the word "genius" has really been devalued in recent times

I imagine this being said in the voice of actual Jake Gyllenhaal

Pol Pot is less insufferable than Franzen

funnily enough I thought LD did a good job playing the Woody Allen character is Whatever Works

His fiction is tough-going but his essays are very readable and cover all sorts of shit - Roger Federer, cruise ships etc.

the Adam Goodes stuff, man, the absolute boneheadedness of these guys telling him to man up and stop playing the victim would be hilarious if it wasn't so ugly.

we get the Mel Gibson-directed WWII drama we deserve

is your name not Bruce then?