barry bickle

in Rand McNally, people wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people.

I see you've played knifey spoony before

Aussies also have a real strange attachment to blackface. I guess they see it as "imitation = sincere form of flattery" and don't really understand the historical and cultural background of it and why it might be offensive.

post smart

Wes Craven's New Nightmare is the only one of the Freddy films I've seen at the cinema. Not a huge fan of horror in any event unless Bruce Campbell is involved, but I have a soft spot for that one. I was pretty young at the time and it was the first time I'd ever seen anything meta like that.


The AV Club

I thought that line from The Departed was true to the guy's character, his world etc, so not necessarily apropos of nothing. But yeah, I've met people who were really put off by that scene.

responding earnestly to someone on the internet called Tim Capello's Ponytail is never a good idea

The Dreyfus Affair
starring Julia-Louis Dreyfus

I thought it was pretty entertaining - there is a good action set-piece episode towards the end - but the finale was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

The AV Club

when it comes to image-faithful adaptations of great comics that sucked, Watchmen is always my go-to reference film

mein gott

also the strongest mammaries

I saw it 3 times at the cinema and probably at least a couple times after that on DVD. It is trashy excellence.

I want to believe

Well the shipping story was interesting enough, but, you know, I also follow the news. It didn't have anything to do with True Detective.

ha, the Grantland review of this episode was pretty bad.

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!