barry bickle

I dunno, she's obviously into some pretty kinky shit

disqus comments - we don't read them, they read us

disqus comments - we don't read them, they read us

he's behind you RIGHT NOW

Do you remember the mildew back in the 1980s? Now that was real mildew, not like this new stuff. Personally I blame the internet.

This is the kind of thing I used to have stoned discussions about re: The X Files when I was a teenager, not something I would use as a basis for an entire fucking novel in my forties.

the geek shall inherit the earth (and write shitty books it seems)

I really enjoyed The Town but part of me wishes that it had some more of the depth (and the ending) of the Chuck Hogan novel. Thankfully they ditched the shitty title Prince Of Thieves though, because Kevin Costner.

"if y'all are ready to analyze dating in the modern age your dicks off, lemme hear you say yeah"

you're not wrong, you're just an asshole

not watched yet but is the episode title a homage to The Littlest Hobo?

just do it: even if the results are garbage initially, you'll learn things through the process

Q: is there a kickstarter fund for making sure this doesn't ever happen?

is your name not Bruce?

well this ain't exactly Neuromancer

O'Neal will never die

Mrs Bickle at the start of the show: "I'd rather lick a dog's bum than watch Colin Farrell acting in anything"

I think we all did for a second

that makes perfect sense too but I still think he's going to be gay because HBO

or True Detective magazine