barry bickle

I hated Miami Vice when it was at the cinema but have grown to really love it. Mostly the look of the film which sells it, the acting is atrocious in places (Gong Li, Farrell's moustache). I also really enjoyed Blackhat and don't get why people are shitting on it.

"I'll take mythological creatures for $500, Alex"

The AV Club . . .

second prize is two copies on DVD

Curious to see if that statement about "the occult history of the US transportation system" actually comes into play or if it was bullshit. Hoping it does, but not if it turns into some demented riff on The Crying of Lot 49.

well, you know what Freud said about the Irish . . .

I guess, but I didn't get "it stinks" from that, just that is not what people might be expecting. To be honest, the entire sales pitch of this film seems to be "Arnie & Zombies, but it's not what you're expecting."

hope you remembered to vote
unless you're Tory
in which case, you can fuck off

aside from the last line of the review, I didn't get a sense of "i was expecting x type of movie and it was y type of movie, therefore it stinks."

well to be fair this is hardly Arthur fucking Miller



They should make Indy black. Or a transgender. Or a black transgender. And a muslim too. Christ on a stick.

The AV Club

oh cool another film I will never watch

he only had nice things to say about you

think it was probably more to do with Bourne

He truly is the quintessential mean old bastard on screen. I'm now imagining a parallel universe where he became a novelist that makes Cormac McCarthy look like Dave Eggers.

Uptown Funk sounds like about a dozen different songs. Zapp, Cameo, Was Not Was. But nowhere near as good.