barry bickle

I would upvote you 1000 times for "Jackie Robinson of Asian dick" if I could

but they control the world's monetary supply

Jolly Green Jizz Face

except this review didn't make me want to projectile vomit

Not seen this one before but Melville's Army Of Shadows is one of the greatest WW2 films ever.

"just what I wanted to see," said no-one ever.

I thought Season 4 was a step back in the right direction (albeit with cartoon villains) until the finale which was probably one of the worst season endings ever

holy shit, "Werner Herzog of butlers" might be the funniest thing I've heard all year

I was duty-bound to hit pause and finish the last of my Sazerac with Mrs Bickle when Art pulled out the glasses.

I liked it but didn't love it. I can see what Elmore got out of it but to me he did it better. I guess I came to it as an Elmore nut rather than with fresh eyes.

Pronto is enjoyable but not great. Raylan is a supporting character in it, the main dude is the fixer/bookie from way back in Season 1 (played by the Sex & the City guy). Riding The Rap is great though, probably one of his best novels.

The thing in the kitchen with Winona was lifted directly from an Elmore Leonard book called 52 Pick-Up. It's creepy as shit there and in the film version (where John Glover plays the intruder).

if he'd done the whole thing in character as the taxi driver from Quick Change, I would probably consider watching this

All I remember about the first film is Elias Koteas played the good guy, and he made a John Steinbeck reference. In retrospect I don't know which of those factoids is weirder.

that's what a fool believes

Farina is the gold standard for 80s action-comedy bad guys in that as well

sometimes I think Kanye West exists for the sole purpose of O'Neal's newswires about Kanye West

tell us how you really feel

I've read Ligotti and the offending passages in True Detective are very similar if not outright theft. Ligotti's ideas about human consciousness being an evolutionary mistake are hardly new, and he cites a Scandinavian guy named Zapffe as the influence of him. In fact, most of Ligotti's philosophy is cribbed from

so has he