barry bickle

The Secret Of The Ooze

Thank you. There is some real misunderstanding about the term Magical Negro. Wayne is just a slimey limey.

Summer of 69: who plays the guitar until their fingers bleed? Plus no mention of the moon landing. I call bullshit on the whole song.

Donal Logue's really let himself go

probably my favourite Dick novel

"You're gonna like this guy. He's all right. He's a good Fela"

The comments underneath the review of The American are much more lively than what you read on here these days, although if I was a single mum I could be earning $7388 in 4 weeks on the internet, so there's that.

Blue Jasmine was the one for me where I decided I don't ever need to go and see a Woody Allen film ever again. It was that bad.

let's hope in ends the same way as se7en

it would be, err, germane to mention "Let's Get Serious" by Jermaine

moron is not a race

no, it really isn't

You are absolutely right about it being probably the most loyal to PKD, though there is a new(ish) film of Free Radio Albemuth (which I've never read)

Yeah, plus all the Mercer stuff, but it's still an adaptation of a PKD novel and one of the greatest films ever.

Blade Runner would like a word

Ha, actually had no idea that was his, and I have actually seen it, and it is awful…there's just something about Scanner Darkly though, maybe it's missed opportunity being that I am a big fan of PKD, plus Keanu should've basically retired after Point Break

Scanner Darkly was the only mis-step for me but whoa nelly it was a big one

I could listen to Giorgio Locatelli say "unctuous" in that stupid accent all day long

definitely try and improve your relationship with your dad, you don't want to wait for your lives to be over

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