Barry knows CPR and took that guy's wallet

I just realized something - those "Warranty void if seal is broken" stickers...if you take the sticker off, remove the screw do you what you need to do, put the screw back in and then stick the sticker back get away with murder.

@redman042: I was pretty sure Apple already released Windows drivers, for those who use Boot Camp.

"A professional user will be able to run Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro. Like today, they will run at full screen, and users will switch using Exposé"

@jzp.unltd: fucking stupid. What a tease.

@TyphoidKitten: You can plug your MacBook into your iMac's screen and use it as an external display. If you have the right cables, you could probably use it like a TV. Plug in your game console and cable box if you wanted.

@Mihos: In the past you could put a SSD into your iMac, but you couldn't put a regular HDD in there as well, IIRC. I don't own an iMac (or any Mac) but I've seen articles about putting a SSD in one.

@workman: Doc has both of his hands together.

@Shivver: There's another on Wikipedia too.

Have they released the footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty? They should include it on here if they haven't; I'd like to see it.

@bobmighty: That's a technical problem, not a legal one.

@cobrajoe: DVD43 + Handbrake. DVD43 is to remove the encryption (it basically sits on your computer, waiting for a disc to decrypt. It basically puts itself between the drive and whatever software is reading it, removing the CSS because Handbrake can't.)

@Stem_Sell: That would've been too easy.

OK...what about the Wii and Xbox? It seems rather stupid that such a basic feature was omitted.

@cabjf: They could've still offered to remove DRM for free since you already bough the song, while also offering the ability to remove DRM AND get a higher-quality file in the process for a fee.

Some of this stuff should've never been illegal in the first place: like being able to crack DRM of an ebook for it be read-aloud (of course there shouldn't be DRM on it in the first place).

@cabjf: The music doesn't have DRM, but if you had music that still has FairPlay, you have to PAY to get an iTunes Plus (non-DRM) version. It's ridiculous, which is why I removed my iTunes DRM a long time ago. On my TV shows and movies as well, which still come with DRM.