@Fronzbot: Yeah, that was dick move. And not just one Apple product, but TWO. He already had the iPad, why'd he bring the MacBook too?
@Fronzbot: Yeah, that was dick move. And not just one Apple product, but TWO. He already had the iPad, why'd he bring the MacBook too?
@talkingstove: +1
Absolutely! For one, you can't use an iPhone 2G without a SIM card unless you jailbreak it, and jailbreaking allows all sorts of neat and handy features. I particularly like SBsettings, combined with the extra package to enable turning off rotation. Very handy.
@Badmofo: That's awesome! How's the battery life/performance?
Looks to me like God is showing off.
@fredjegalle: I would install Ubuntu on there. It's not Windows XP, but for an old computer it should run better and you won't have to worry about getting any kind of malware. No need to run AV software. It comes with OpenOffice which can open and create Office documents. As for Internet browsing, it comes with…
Mmm....did Steve get a new flavor of Kool-Aid?
@Badmofo: Probably not. The iPhone 4 has a better processor than the 3GS. I'm sure it's possible to put iMovie on the 3GS, but it probably wouldn't run very well. Not to mention the video quality would be worse since iP4 also has a better camera.
Am I the only one who found the FarmVille app hard to use? Maybe it's the small screen of the iPhone compared to my computer, or maybe because it's FarmVille and I just don't care for it. :/
@weinerschnitzelboy: IIRC, the processor in the iTouch 2G is the same as the one in the 3G. And now the latest iTouch revision (the 32GB iTouch that is) has the 3GS' processor.
Mine...doesn't look like that. I don't have the Settings button at the bottom, instead I have to click "Post" and there's a little Settings icon there. This is after I upgraded today.
Play them off, Keyboard Cat.
I've tried to use OpenDNS on multiple occasions to filter out adware and other harmful sites, but I couldn't deal with them pushing Yahoo search results on me. I like searching with the address bar in FF, but I'd rather have Google results.
Did Giz really just post an article linking to a Giz article?
@styfle: Um, there's a hacktivation version. It might unlock your phone automatically when you restore with it.
@Guard: It has literally nothing to do with getting special treatment. You are a paying customer of this company, and multiple employees for that company have confirmed that that company owes you something, but is unwilling to give it to you.
@DJKGinHD: Instead of using for Office....which TechNet also provides....
@dfxdeimos: I'm 16, and I have a record player and a small collection of vinyl - mostly used Beatles records, but some modern records as well, including Vampire Weekend's Contra and Gorillaz's "White Flag" single.
@styfle: It's technically a modded version of 3.1.3. [www.whited00r.com]
Oh yeah, my iPhone 2G just runs terribly with jailbroken backgrounds.