
I can understand wanting to distance himself from all of that but, honestly, his genuinely shocked reaction only made him look better. He doesn’t have anything to be upset about (other than the events that caused the documentary to exist at all)

I’m always a bit mystified that people rarely credit Sigourney Weaver’s performance in Ghostbusters. Her acting elevated the movie, and the chemistry between her and Bill Murray created the heart of the story. IMHO, that’s the missing piece of the sequels - someone outside the primary quartet you actually cared about.

It seems like these avant garde performance art style comedians always take things way too far in the name of comedy (see also Andy Kaufman). There may be pushback, but I kind of doubt it, seems like with Borat firmly in the rearview mirror there’s not so much love for SBC. 

Man, America’s made Rebel go soft, because SBC is clearly a cunt.

Yeah, “Requiem” would have been amazing — but it was never made, which is a pity.

Everyone will default to “old man yells at cloud!” but he’s right. New Star Trek blows. They gave in to their impulse to try and be Marvel with quippy dialogue and “big bads” every season. 

Wasn’t Roddenberry the creative force behind Star Trek 1? And then they kick him to the curb, give the reins to people like Nicholas Meyer, Harve Bennett, and Leonard Nimoy and suddenly the movies are awesome. (Give or take a William Shatner fever dream.)

The fact of the matter is, however much they constrained the story, Gene’s rules did create a sort of believable and culturally distinct universe from ours which helped with making the series a compelling view into the future. The current iteration where people yell, cuss, fail to display the slightest amount of

That didn’t exactly end well, lol.

Huge respect to Roddenberry for kicking off Star Trek. But TNG didn’t get really good until they kicked Roddenberry to the curb, so I don’t see his “vision” as necessarily being all that great. And, by all accounts, he didn’t like Wrath of Khan, so his tastes are questionable.

that includes crew members not making out with each other

The original comic version has a parody of Batman halting a asteroid by having sex with it until it explodes. So, yes, the show is a lot deeper and less depraved than the original comic.

Yep, hard to keep momentum when it is 2+ years between seasons and then they only drop 8 episodes broken in half separated by 4 months.  

Prime Video’s animated series remains a great remedy for “superhero fatigue”

“It’s too long!” cries the drooling audience before going back to their 7th consecutive hour of Ugly People On Dates: British Cake Edition.

Not sure what to think about this one. A lot of people on Twitter (take that with a huge grain of salt) say they’ve read the Frisco screenplay and it’s nothing like The Holdovers, while others making the same claim say they’re practically identical. I’m literally watching The Holdovers right now and like it so far.

“I do Cameos, and people say, ‘Oh, we’re having a Harry Potter-themed wedding,’ and I think, ‘Gosh, what’s their first night of fun going to be?’” She laments. “I can’t even think about it.”

I don’t even like Harry Potter but fuck her for telling people what they are “supposed” to like.

Entertainment is for everyone to enjoy. 

Is there any correlation between having “mature” tastes in entertainment and being a mature person?

I have not seen Part 2 yet but my assumption was that he was Count Fenring because I can see him as the character. The thing is Fenring is one of those Dune characters that is a “fan favorite” the same way Tom Bombadil is for LOTR. He is “important” in the world and add many levels to the world building but as a