
Not even like a play, just like movies used to do! We still get them with certain movies where I live. But roughly around when you were born it was still common for “epics” like Dune to get built-in intermissions. David Lean fans, UNITE!

I’m fine with long movies...just give me a 10 minute intermission like a play would.

I watch them for the single female lawyer, fighting for her client, wearing sexy miniskirts and being self reliant.

Yeah, after Batgirl, there ain’t a chance in hell that every WB movie in production doesn’t have somebody secretly backing up the files.

I do not like that man’s face. Or his actions, but I can’t see his actions.

He looks like someone tore a hold in his face where his mouth should be. Nobody can convince me this is a real man and not a rejected Hall of Presidents animatronic.

John Cena has Peacemaker. He is doing just fine.

Also, speaking of petty, don’t think I haven’t noticed that this fucking website increased the size of its subscription popup so that I can't access the no thanks option.

He looks like an elderly version of the Mutant gang leader from The Dark Knight Returns.

Here's hoping someone in production leaks the movie at least. And that Zaslav's career in Hollywood and in film ends. 

Has anyone tried dropping a large cartoon anvil on Mr Zavlav or lacing his lunch with earthquake pills?

Thanks for confirming that you know nothing about what the movie was actually going to be like. Or for some weird but convincing satire. Not sure which is going on here, to be honest; it’s getting harder and harder to tell.

Honestly, it’s amazing cinema as an art form lasted as long as it did under the stewardship of publicly traded conglomerates. Nothing matters to these vultures except the bottom line.

Let’s hope someone saved the movie (or whatever they finished) on a personal hard drive and we’ll see it on the internet some day.

Three-step process:

Remember when there were rumors about Chris Nolan coming back into the WB family? Yeah, that ain’t happening now. And all creatives should take his lead. Don’t work with a studio that will let you spend years of your life working on something that may never see the light of day. 

Spoiler alert for a movie released last summer! This is reminding me of how the High Evolutionary destroyed an entire planet full of living beings in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 because it wasn’t perfect. Given how Zaslav knows nothing about taking creative risks, James Gunn should jump ship now.

But but... I thought giant megacorps ruled by a wealthy elite were supposed to make everything better!

Even by the standards of “indifferent, bottom-line-obsessed CEO,” his actions make no sense. He’s not saving that much in the short- or long-term and actively running the value of the brand into the ground. To what end, Zaslav?

Gotta be a disgruntled employee with access out there somewhere that will leak this.