
I mean they might, but if the theoretical kid’s around and wanting to watch Sesame Street, they’ll probably be doing that in another room, or the parent will watch it with them and catch the highlights of Today on Youtube or something. I’m just saying, I know my mom watched Regis & Kathie Lee in the morning back in

As a father of two, had either of my sons been upset by this, it would have been a matter of, “Elmo and the man were just pretending.” That’s all. That would have worked at virtually any age. And it’s not like I’m some genius parent.

It’s just a puppet, Wil.

I’ve always disliked Wheaton so this is validating to me! Larry put the puppet in a wrestling hold for two seconds and pantomined clotheslining it. That’s it. Elmo appeared unhurt afterwards (since he’s, you know, a puppet.) Wheaton writing like Elmo is a real four year old child is unhinged.

Wil is an idiot and everyone who's ever worked with him hates him.

I mean I guess some kids might have been upset but I think most kids are smart enough to understand that Elmo is in fact fake, and even if they aren’t their parents (or guardians, whoever) can say it was a joke and brush it off. This is not some sort of traumatic event. Or say they were playing and that’s not the kind

yeah, but on the other end some of these (re)adaptions didn’t do well the first time, so if anything there’s more risk the second time around.

“All I was doing was waving my hand within an inch of his face and shouting ‘I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!’ and the guy freaks out and hits me!”

“I refused to because I’m like, ‘I feel really uncomfortable right now and this is the only evidence,” Fox said.

If Elordi punched out any cunt involved with Kyle and Jackie O he’ll never have to pay for a beer in this country again.

Canceling accounts, what a great way to increase subscriptions!  Flawless victory.

In a way, it’s sort of like the old Moviepass (and probably new Moviepass too, I don’t know) in that the profit model was poorly planned out, and so they had to rejigger the terms to correct for their mistakes. The difference being of course that Moviepass was never really capable of generating profits, while most

Agree.  They are allowed to crack down however they want to, but it’s not a moral decision.  It’s a profit decision, so let’s treat it as such.

I can see why people would feel offended. Especially for streaming services where sometimes you can feel like they’re raising prices willy nilly to drive up their profits while nickel and diming you to death and not providing any additional quality or quantity of entertainment content. Also it really doesn’t seem fair

Restricting it to a single wifi network or place, isn’t common sense, it’s a money grab. A money grab they are within their rights to do as a provider, but I to hate see it framed as sensible or correcting a moral wrong when it is patently neither of those things. It’s chasing profits.

Yeah, additionally it bothers me that people act like password sharers are “getting away” with something.

It’s not completely sensible. In the past, logins were limited to the number of devices alone, which was a completely sensible way to do it. If I pay for 2 logins, it shouldn’t matter to the company where those logins are. In fact, in the early days, I contacted the providers and asked them whether location mattered

Canceling accounts — what a great way to increase revenue!

Yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for♫...whoever Hulu gives the boot.

I’m glad this article mentioned Sesma’s connection to Quinn’s ex-fiance. I’ll take it a step further and point out that the kidnapper told Huskins that the kidnapping was MEANT for the ex-fiance!? That is really bizarre.

So now you not only have a cop with a huge conflict of interest but his conflict of interest