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I don’t think you are paying attention. He’s been threatening political violence for years now.

Trump seems like he would initially pretend to be remorseful that Biden was killed, but would start insulting him again the same day.

Biden’s “bullseye” remark was clearly a metaphor, one tailor-made for a country that has more guns than people. Trump, meanwhile, has talked repeatedly about having his political rivals executed for treason. This includes, it’s important to note, sham military tribunals for Congresspeople/civilians, such as Liz

If somebody killed Biden, Trump’s comments would be on the lines of “see, that’s what you get!”

Even President Joe Biden had to apologize for his metaphorical remark that it was ‘time to put Trump in a bullseye’”

I think both Seth Meyers and Colbert grappled with it pretty well.

Wait, where’s all the hand-wringing and blaming the consumers? We need another Nicole Kidman commercial reminding us that we the common folk should be putting our collective health on the line in the midst of a pandemic to save the movie theatres.

I like going to the movies, so, selfishly, I hope theaters survive. But I think audiences have made pretty clear that there are really only a handful of movies per year that they’re willing to pay for a full theatrical experience to see. And I don’t think that makes them assholes or philistines.

The Netflix model was not the problem.

It’s almost like the demand for content doesn’t magically grow just because that would be nice for some company’s bottom line.

Executives and senior “leadership” in every industry are largely a bunch of incompetent sociopaths and morons. NONE of them “earn” their exorbitant pay and perks through competence and capable leadership.

It seems like common sense to me that giving someone the option of consuming quality entertainment in their own home whenever they want vs. forcing them to drive to a strange place and contend with schedules and the masses, most people will opt for the former. Going out to see a movie has to be something I voluntarily

No, but Madonna perform a couple of songs (“Sooner or Later” and that really beautiful “What Can You Lose” with Patinkin).

1. Short Round is great.

I haven’t been reading AVC much in the last year as everything was listicles, but these features being back is VERY promising!

I will never argue the racism point about Temple of Doom. It’s grim for sure. And I’m also sure that Muppet Babies has influenced my fondness for it. But I love that movie. I enjoy it more than Raiders! There, I said it!

Holy shit, My Year of Flops and now Run the Series?  What’s next, an entry in History of Violence?

From the start of the film, to them getting past the rapids, I’d argue it’s as close to perfect for an action film as is possible.

That was very nice of him, and this ranking certainly comports with Spielberg’s own supposed reservations about Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull, but, on the other hand: c’mon.

I will accept that The Wolverine and Logan are both better than Crystal Skull, however.

Regarding the franchise’s future, boy, if only one of these movies had a young sidekick character who could take over as the main hero, played by an actor who’s currently universally beloved thanks to a return to the job after decades that got him a ton of awards. But what are the odds of that happening?