
I think it’s surprising that Eccleston said this, mostly because he probably bought himself a bunch of trouble. But I don’t think it’s fair to say that “whole confession was bizarrely inspired by Eccleston praising intimacy coordinators.”

“love interest to Jodie Foster’s Detective Liz Danvers in True Detective Night Country”

Now that we have got that disclaimer out of the way, who is it? Kate Winslet?

Well, that’s what that dude meant by it, sure. But no one else actually gives a fuck about that.

I don’t know how to do the metrics on this kind of thing, but I would have suspected an even steeper drop in the wake of the strikes. I think it’s premature to connect these numbers to anything else until we see whether there is a recovery.

Meanwhile The Criterion Channel has been absolutely kicking everyone’s ass up, down, and sideways with their truly inventive topical curation of late. Cat films, motherfuckers, I’m a talking a whole section of big-mood cat films. It’s great.

Netflix is totally gonna buy all of TCM when Zaslav puts it in a box outside his house with a sign “20 bucks or best offer

Does anyone know why when you search the Apple TV app for Blazing Saddles you only get the option to buy it when it is clearly on Netflix? Most movies when they are on other platforms show up on Apple TV but Apple TV will give you a link to watch them in their respective streaming platforms. Is it Netflix or Apple

I like the idea of preserving much better than the idea of making media disappear forever simply for a quick tax break.

it’s too similar in its humor to shows a lot like it to get me invested.

So any criticism of this film and/or filmmaker is automatically racist and sexist, then? That’s what we’re going with? Big gaslighting energy, I guess. 

Nonsense. The problem with Origin is that it’s terrible. I saw it at release, and boy does it do a disservice to the very important work it’s adapted from. DuVernay gives us half-formed ideas and cloyingly sentimental scenes that try and fail to manipulate viewer emotions.

I don’t think Fox is hurting for funds to make new animated shows given that they literally have too many to air on a single night anymore. They greenlit THREE SEASONS of Krapopolis before the first episode even aired. That is not the action of a network that’s strapped for cartoon money.

She is a smug overreacher who doesn’t understand her limits. 

i haven’t seen origin because it doesn’t come out wide until january 19th.

I kind of like Krapopolis because nothing with Matt Berry and Richard Ayoade could be less than stellar.

I wonder if it had anything to do with her movie being fucking terrible?

There is still a lot of racial bias in terms of who gets to make films and who watches the films that are made. That said, most of the people I know who’ve seen Origin came away unimpressed, which is part of the reason that I haven’t seen it yet. Another reason is that it was released at a time when there are other

I bounced off this show after season 2. It’s clever, and kind of funny, but had me looking at my phone much more than Bob’s Burgers or even its sister show Central Park. Great voice acting all around, but it’s too similar in its humor to shows a lot like it to get me invested.

I don’t hate this article (I do actually think The Great North is probably the best of Fox’s Sunday lineup, and the fact it had to wait until January to premiere was a travesty), but I don’t think it will ever be the “flagship” show, if you define it as the show that leads off the night. That will always be The