
Heck, when the black employee says he knows what joke Brent is telling, Brent backtracks and shames the employee for making the joke. Brent helps steal Tim’s shoes and throw them on a pub. He witnesses his employees pantsing another employee and starts cackling “tickle him! Tickle him!”

He wasn’t exactly a villain; he didn’t make crass and racist jokes because he was ideologically driven. David Brent tells jokes because he just wants people to like him, and he often knows when he’s crossing a line.

People were so laudatory of his Golden Globes monologue a few years back, treating his digs at streaming services (which he works with) like some huge truth-to-power moment; as though he hadn’t been invited and the monologue certainly vetted by the network beforehand.

The best part is always when they say “The network will never put that one on the air.” Except you just heard the joke, so clearly they did.

And then Disney buys this new merged company in 2027.

And there it is. I saw a number of people earlier this year predict that Zaslav’s goal was to make WBD more appealing for a merger of some kind.

Katya and a nude Archer(unless you count the Jetpack) mirroring The Boss and Naked Snake will always be the best reference for me.

I feel like it’ll be less than 15. I’m thinking 2-5 years.

Yeah this is the definitive ending, I believe there were other seasons where they did not know if it would be renewed or not, but this is the only time that it’s been intended to be the end.

Wasn’t there a rumor that Kristen was working to add a second expression to her repertoire? Dead-eyed stare is great and all, but I think moving just a single facial muscle would put her over the top.

Now playing

I noticed the callback to the first episode where Archer is chained to the wall and jokes about the go-cart battery. He finally experienced it as a real situation. It only took 14 seasons.

I enjoyed the Xtacles follow-up but it just wasn’t the same.

If only this site wasn’t a shell of its former self - this would have been a fantastic comments section back in the day.

I love how Lana just completely forgot that Zara had a gambling problem.

Frisky Dingo is what got me watching Archer. Missing them both.

Now can we please get a proper goddam wrap up of Frisky Dingo?

Did it end for sure this time? I feel like it’s ended like four different times now

That was an excellent finale. Definitely an A grade and a fitting send off for the series. Later seasons of Archer have often been wobbly, but they nailed this. And while I don’t expect or need more, I love how the ending gave you an idea of what the characters would be up to and that if the creators wanted to, could

Nothing truly ends anymore. They’ll find a way to bring it back in 10-15 years when the next wave a nostalgia hits.

I’m really, really going to miss this show. Hard to believe I was in college when it came out and I just turned 36 last week. Time is a cruel mistress.