
For those who aren’t constant Sopranos rewatchers, maybe provide a little synopsis to help jog the memory?

It’s always weird when people call something a “predictor,” or “before its time,” when in reality it’s depicting an issue that existed at the time and simply persists.

I only saw this season on DVD shortly before season 6 premiered, kinda late to the whole Sopranos thing. I had no idea it was hated. It’s a fucking brilliant, hilarious episode. If this had been South Park or something, people would have gone on talking about how witty and satirical it is. But it’s The Sopranos so

He even called him Kanan in a previous episode, explaining to Carson why Jacen knew weird things. He’s aware that Kanan lived under a different name for the rest of his life and among his friends, and Huyang only refers to him as Caleb when referring to him as a child. It’s very well set up.

I enjoyed this episode. I enjoyed the action, the characters/dialogue (mostly), the mysticism, and the multiple cliffhangers. It wasn’t perfect, but I enjoyed it.

This couldn’t be more accurate.

Actually you are. If you go back and rewatch the saber-building scene Huyang does call him as Caleb during the conversation. He knows they’re same person but also recognizes everyone else mostly knows him as Kanan.

It’s been a loooooooong ass time since paying attention to the show you’re reviewing was a requirement for writers here. I still remember the reviews for The Leftovers trying to pose what were supposed to be deep, profound questions except the answers to those questions were often answered explicitly on screen but

If he doesn’t like the show, fine. But he really needs to pay attention if his job is to review it. A couple episodes ago he complained that Thrawn didn’t leave immediately when they specifically said it would take 3 “cycles” to deal with he cargo and they couldn’t leave until then. He clearly is watching with

Sam doesn’t like Star Wars and can’t even be assed to pay attention to what’s going on in the episodes is the main thing.

Not to me. Ahsoka ranks above Obi-Wan, The Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian Season 3. 

“as soon as he’s done loading his still-unexplained cargo into the Star Destroyer, he says “nah, let’s send soldiers after them.””

Just to add on to make my point about paying attention; Ahsoka killed the guy. Sabine was fighting Shin.

It was absolutely sold as a sequel to Rebels. I’m sorry you dislike it because it uses characters from a ‘children’s TV show’.

My parents, who have never seen Rebels or Clone Wars, are enjoying it.  Pretty much all background necessary is explained except for the statues at the end.

Really? Ahsoka is worse than Book of Boba Fett?

Remember when Ahsoka and Sabine killed a guy who had a lightsaber and then just turned to dust? And they all reacted like it was a new thing but nobody ever talked about it again? Was everything that happened on this show just a dream?

It wasn’t a perfect show by any means perfect, but my kids and I enjoyed it. Far better than TBoBF and OWK. 

and it might not ever be resolved since Ray Stevenson died.”

They absolutely have to recast Baylan now. Seems like there’s a trend in modern movies where if the actor dies or gets too old or whatever, then the character goes with it. That character is just written off and barely mentioned again (or if they do appear, its CGI). Buck that trend and find another actor. Baylan is